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Subject: Re: OpenC2 & Effects-Based Courses of Action

This is in response to an email that Shawn Riley sent with the timestamp Thu, 18 Jul 2019 13:11:49 +0000 (for some reason my outlook is not receiving OASIS emails)

He brings up a really good point.  I know that we have been focused on getting the initial specs out and understand the notion of needing to walk before you run...  Having said that: 
We have done some solid work, but our current mindset has been a 'fire and forget' approach.  When we execute a command or set of commands, we need to initiate another command or set of commands to retune the sensors in order to confirm that the desired effect was in fact achieved.  

I just reread what I wrote and realize that was about as profound as saying the sky is blue... I think it would be helpful if we took some time within the AP-SC to study a scenario and identify the set of actions (and any command options that we may need to define).  

Sound logical?  

Joe Brule
Engineering (Y2D122)
FNX-3, B4A335
'Adnius ad retinedam puritem noster peciosus corporalis fluidorum...'
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