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Subject: Explainer: OpenC2 Use Cases for ITU

TC Members,


Following up on Duncan’s discussions of contributing OpenC2 to the ITU-T, here is some additional information from today’s working meeting regarding the proposal to submit a use cases document as a means of keeping the subject active in ITU-T until our specifications are mature enough to submit (i.e., have become OASIS standards):


1)      A STIX use cases document was submitted some while back for similar reasons, and was published by ITU-T as X.1215, Use cases for structured threat information _expression_. You can download that recommendation in a variety of languages here:  https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1215-201901-I/en; it’s a 60 page PDF, but the “meat” of it appears to be about 40 pages, much of which is example STIX content.

2)      Apparently such a document would be published today as a technical report, rather than a recommendation, which simplifies the requirements about what content is needed and how structured: a technical report doesn’t have a compliance section, as use cases are information, not requirements. But providing use cases that illustrate OpenC2 in action calls attention to the potential of OpenC2 as the means to address similar needs.

3)      Duncan believes there are two approaches to submitting a comparable OpenC2 document:

a.      Publish as a committee note and submit from OASIS; this has the advantage of the OASIS “stamp of approval” but he believes this would be the first time a CN is submitted to ITU-T to there might be some speedbumps as the process gets worked out.

b.      TC members whose organizations are involved in ITU-T could arrange for one of their organization’s representatives to submit an OpenC2 use cases document as a contribution.


We’re sharing this for general information, and to encourage TC members to think about how they might contribute to moving this forward.




David Lemire
IA Systems Engineer
Mission Technologies
(301) 575-5190 (o)
   (240) 938-9350 (m)



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