FINAL - OpenCSA Steering Committee
Minutes - 23 May 2007 11:00 AM PDT
0. Agenda bashing and Roll
Graham Barber, David Burke, Patrick Leonard,
Mark Little, Jeff Mischkinsky, Sanjay Patil, Michael Rowley.
OASIS Staff:
Scott McGrath, Dee Schur.
Identified Observers:
Gil Pilz (BEA), Hanane Becha (Nortel), Mariano Cilia (Intel).
Graham Barber
1. Outstanding Action Item review
None. We
have cleared all actions to date, Future actions will be tracked on
Minutes Approval
- 18 May
2007 -- Patil/Rowley - approve minutes - 5 in favour, 3 abstentions (New
3. Steering Committee Voting Results
Scott summarized the results of a close election.
We discussed the tie breaking process that
occurred at
three points during the STV process & concluded that any alternative tie
system would
not have changed the election outcome. Scott will update all relevant web
Scott ( ) welcomes feedback on
the election process from any member.
4. Welcome New Members
Introductions & Welcomes exchanged.
5. Elect Chair
Jeff Mischkinsky elected as Chair of the Steering
Committee for first term of 12 months
We are
slowly building a set of operation procedures that should be documented (in the
documents repository at
ACTION: AI-1: Graham Barber: Provide first
draft of Steering Committee Operating Procedures.
summarized the differing web-based "spaces" at our disposal:
i) The OASIS
public face of the Member Section is represented at:
ii) The
working documents of the Member Section are held at:
iii) The
working documents of the Steering Committee are held at
We noted
that we were not using these spaces consistently.
challenge of ensuring that the goal of Steering Committee Business being open
and available
to all
members was discussed. The conflicting goal of not filling Members' In-Boxes
with unnecessary
(auto-informs of AIs, Calendar Entries, Document uploads) was discussed.
ACTION: AI-2: Scott McGrath to explore
options and propose a methodology for S/C Business.
6. Future
Meeting Schedule
We agreed to
retain the weekly 9am PT teleconference slot for the near future. We will
revisit if
too many
(travel) conflicts arise and we would also expect to move to biweekly in the
7. Any
Other Business
Election of
Vice-Chair and Secretary postponed to next meeting.
8. Future
Meeting Items
Election of
Vice-Chair and Secretary
Statement of
9. Closure
Motion to
Adjourn: Rowley/Patil/UNAN.
Action Items Summary:
Graham Barber: Provide first draft of Steering Committee Operating Procedures.
AI-2: Scott McGrath to explore web
site procedural options and propose a methodology for S/C Business.
Items Summary:
May 24 - Jun
01: China/Japan Business Trip (Mischkinsky),
May 28 - Jun
08: Vacation (Barber).
Next Meeting:
Friday May
25: Cancelled.
Friday Jun
1: Cancelled.
Friday Jun
8: 9am PT Teleconference.
> +1 888-967-2253
> +1 650-607-2253
> +44 118 924 9000
> meeting id/pw = 190605/6736272 (opencsa)