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Subject: Fw: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation


Mark sent this out previously....

Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
Email:  mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com

----- Forwarded by Mike Edwards/UK/IBM on 22/08/2007 13:46 -----
Mark Little <mlittle@redhat.com>

20/08/2007 16:44

"david.chappell@oracle.com" <david.chappell@oracle.com>
"Patrick Leonard" <pleonard@quovadx.com>, "mrowley@bea.com" <mrowley@bea.com>, Mike Edwards/UK/IBM@IBMGB, "jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com" <jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>, "opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org" <opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>, "jane.harnad@oasis-open.org" <jane.harnad@oasis-open.org>
Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation

OK, here are dial-in details:

When: 4pm BST, 8am PST, 11am EST.

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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
(Poland) 00 800 111 48 26
International toll free
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International toll free
(Russia) 810 800 2535 1012
International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
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International toll free
(Uruguay) 0004 019 0088
International toll free
(Venezuela) 0 800 100 5202

On 20 Aug 2007, at 16:39, David Chappell wrote:

Yes that works for me too.

From: Patrick Leonard [mailto:pleonard@quovadx.com]
Monday, August 20, 2007 11:34 AM
mlittle@redhat.com; mrowley@bea.com
david.chappell@oracle.com; mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com; jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com; opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org; jane.harnad@oasis-open.org
Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation

8am PT / 4pm BST works for me this Wednesday.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Little <
To: Michael Rowley <
CC: Patrick Leonard; David Chappell <
david.chappell@oracle.com>; Mike Edwards <mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com>; Jeff Mischkinsky <jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>; opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>; Jane Harnad <jane.harnad@oasis-open.org>
Sent: Mon Aug 20 08:55:13 2007
Subject: Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation

That's fine with me, but I obviously can't answer on behalf of others.


On 20 Aug 2007, at 15:51, Michael Rowley wrote:


        I’m sorry, but there is a Java EE SCA call scheduled for that time on Wednesday.  Could it be an hour earlier?





                From: Mark Little [
        Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 10:34 AM
        To: Patrick Leonard
        Cc: David Chappell; Mike Edwards; Jeff Mischkinsky;
opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org; Jane Harnad
        Subject: Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation


        OK, to be more specific then: how about 5pm BST on Wednesday (which should be 12pm EST and 9am PST)? If that works, I'll send round dial-in information.





        On 20 Aug 2007, at 15:27, Patrick Leonard wrote:


        Works for me too.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: David Chappell <
david.chappell@oracle.com <mailto:david.chappell@oracle.com> >
        To: Mark Little <
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com> >; Mike Edwards <mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com <mailto:mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com> >
        CC: Patrick Leonard;
jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>  <jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com> >; opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>  <opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org> >
        Sent: Mon Aug 20 08:02:36 2007
        Subject: RE: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation
        Wednesday works for me.  I'm on Pacific time this week.  So far anytime other than 12 PST will work for me on Wed.
                From: Mark Little [
mailto:mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com> ]
                Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 5:13 AM
                To: Mike Edwards
                Cc: Patrick Leonard;
DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com <mailto:DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com> ; jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com> ; opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>
                Subject: Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation
                How about Wednesday then?
                On 20 Aug 2007, at 09:33, Mike Edwards wrote:
                        I'm on vacation Thursday this week.  Any other day is fine.
                        Yours,  Mike.
                        Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
                        IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
                        Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431
mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com <mailto:mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com>
                        "Patrick Leonard" <
pleonard@quovadx.com <mailto:pleonard@quovadx.com> >
                        17/08/2007 18:27
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com> >  
jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com> >, <DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com <mailto:DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com> >, <opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org> > 
                                Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation      
                        Friday and Monday are actually the only days that I can't do next week. How is Wednesday or Thursday?
                        -----Original Message-----
                        From: Mark Little <
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com> >
                        To: Patrick Leonard
                        CC: Jeff Mischkinsky <
jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com> >; David Chappell <DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com <mailto:DAVID.CHAPPELL@oracle.com> >; opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>  <opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <mailto:opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org> >
                        Sent: Fri Aug 17 10:28:04 2007
                        Subject: Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation
                        Friday is fine with me.
                        On 17 Aug 2007, at 17:26, Patrick Leonard wrote:
                               I'm happy to help, just trying to keep it simple.  Mike Edwards offered
                               to help too. If the 3/4 of us can split it up it should work.  The only
                               day that doesn't work for me next week is Friday.
                               -----Original Message-----
                               From: Jeff Mischkinsky [
mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>  <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com > > ]
                               Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 8:26 AM
                               To: Mark Little
                               Cc: Patrick Leonard; David Chappell
                               Subject: Re: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation
                               On Aug 17, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Mark Little wrote:
                                       The three people (including you :-) mentioned below had said they
                                       could do the presentation. Once I get acks back that at least those
                                       people can be on a call next week, we'll go from there. Any particular
                                       dates/times that don't work for you Patrick?
                                  david.chappell is not on the opencsa lists, do please do make sure
                               you send him email directly.
                               (I'll be back next week -- 66 miles and 6600 ft of climbing today :-)
                                       On 17 Aug 2007, at 00:24, Patrick Leonard wrote:
                                               who will be giving the presentation?  it seems logical that the
                                               presenter(s) will create the presentation.
                                               From: Mark Little [
mailto:mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>  <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com > > ]
                                               Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:32 AM
                                               To: opencsa-ms@lists.oasis-open.org <
                                               Subject: [opencsa-ms] Conference presentation
                                               The SOAWorld conference organisers are very please that we can give a
                                               2 hour tutorial around SCA. What we need to do now is probably set up
                                               a teleconference with the people who expressed an interest in doing
                                               the work: Dave Chappell, Michael and Patrick?
                                               Does that sound reasonable?
                                               Mark Little
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>
                                               JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
                                               Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod
                                               Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
                                               SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
                                               Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903
                                               Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
                                               Owens (Ireland)
                                       Mark Little
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>
                                       JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
                                       Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod
                                       Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
                                       SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
                                       Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903
                                       Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
                                       Owens (Ireland)
                               Jeff Mischkinsky
jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com <mailto:jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>
                               Director, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Web Services Standards +1(650)
                               Consulting Member Technical Staff           500
                               Oracle Parkway, M/
                               S 4OP9
                               Oracle Redwood
                               Shores, CA 94065
                        Mark Little
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>
                        JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
                        Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
                        SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
                        Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903
                        Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)
                        Unless stated otherwise above:
                        IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598.
                        Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
                Mark Little
mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>
                JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
                Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
                SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
                Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903
                Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)




        Mark Little

mlittle@redhat.com <mailto:mlittle@redhat.com>


        JBoss, a Division of Red Hat

        Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire,

        SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.

        Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903

        Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)






Mark Little


JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)


Mark Little

JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire, 
SI4 1TE, United Kingdom. 
Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903 
Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598.
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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