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Subject: Questions for InfoQ interview

Here are the questions for the InfoQ interview. Please feel free to answer any and all. If you do answer any question, please put your full name and position within your company and role within SCA/OpenCSA at the start of any reply: that way I can link the information into the finished article. Please send answers to me directly and then I'll follow up on a one-on-one basis if necessary.



Q: Why do you think it has taken so long for SCA to get to a standards body?

Q: Why OASIS and not W3C?

Q: Why is SCA-J not being worked on within the JCP?

Q: If you had to summarize what SCA brings to this space in two sentences, what would they be?

Q: Why is your company interested in SCA?

Q: Do you see any overlap between SCA and JBI?

Q: Is there an equivalent of SCA within Microsoft's arsenal of SOA technologies?

Q: How do you see SCA evolving now it is in a standards process? Will it change much, or do you think it is close to being complete as it is?

Q: One of the objections to SCA that was leveled early on was that it competed against JEE. Now that Sun are involved it would see that any such comments were unfounded. Is that correct?

Q: Are there other areas of SCA that have not yet reached a level of maturity for donation to OASIS? If so, can you give us an idea of what they might be?

Q: Is you company an SCA developer, user, or both?

Q: Where do you see SCA fitting within your company's SOA strategy?

Q: Why isn't Microsoft involved? Since SCA is supposed to be language agnostic and embraces many of the WS-* technologies that Microsoft has been involved with, it would seem that their support would be necessary to make this a meaningful standard?

Q: What is your role within the various OpenCSA technical committees?

Q: Do you see SCA collaborating or influencing other standards activities elsewhere?

Q: The OpenCSA Plenary week is coming soon. What do you hope will be the output from that series of meetings?


Mark Little

JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire, 
SI4 1TE, United Kingdom. 
Registered in UK and Wales under Company Registration No. 3798903 
Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David Owens (Ireland)

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