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Subject: Call for Participation: OpenEoX TC

OASIS Members & Interested Parties:

A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OpenEoX Technical Committee (TC) has been proposed by the members of OASIS listed in the charter below.

The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of deliverables, audience, IPR mode, and language specified in this proposal will constitute the TC's official charter.

Submissions of technology for consideration by the TC, and the beginning of technical discussions may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting.

The eligibility requirements for becoming a participant in the TC at the first meeting are:

To be considered a voting member at the first meeting:

Participants also may join the TC at a later time. OASIS and the TC welcomes all interested parties.

Non-OASIS members who wish to participate may contact us about joining OASIS [b]. In addition, the public may access the information resources maintained for each TC: a mail list archive, document repository and public comments facility, which will be linked from the TC's public home page [c].

Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other appropriate lists. OASIS is an open standards organization; we encourage your participation.


[a] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/openeox/

[b] See http://www.oasis-open.org/join/Â

[c] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/openeox/



OASIS OpenEoX Technical Committee Charter

The charter for this TC is as follows.

Section 1: TC Charter

(1)(a) TC Name


(1)(b) Statement of Purpose

The OASIS OpenEoX TC aims to standardize and promote OpenEoX, a unified machine-readable approach to managing and sharing End-of-Life (EOL) and End-of-Support (EOS) information for commercial and open source software and hardware.

Business BenefitsÂ

The establishment of OpenEoX will benefit a wide array of stakeholders across the software and hardware industries. The key beneficiaries of this work can be broadly categorized into the following groups:

Software and Hardware Vendors: A standardized OpenEoX specification will provide a clear and unified process for managing EOL and EOS milestones in product life cycles, reducing confusion and inefficiencies. It will help vendors plan their product updates, support, and discontinuation more effectively and transparently, thereby improving customer trust and satisfaction.

Open-Source Maintainers: Open-source maintainers will benefit from standardized end-of-support information, enabling them to clearly define projects that are no longer supported. Also to make informed decisions about incorporating different software and hardware components into their projects.

End Users and Enterprises: Both individual end users and enterprises that rely heavily on technology for their operations will benefit significantly. They will receive timely and clear information about the products they use, helping them plan upgrades, replacements, or contingency plans in advance, thereby reducing vulnerabilities, disruptions, and potential security risks.

Technology Consultants and Service Providers: Consultants and service providers will be able to offer more accurate advice and support to their clients with access to standardized lifecycle information.Â

Supply Chain Partners: The standardization would increase transparency and predictability in the supply chain, which can help reduce uncertainties and risks, leading to a more secure and resilient supply chain.

Government: Standardization can assist government agencies and regulatory bodies in overseeing the industry more effectively, ensuring that all players comply with the set guidelines, and promoting fair practices.

(1)(c) Scope

The OASIS OpenEoX TC will:

  • Develop and maintain the OpenEoX standard, ensuring its relevance and applicability to current industry needs.

  • Facilitate interoperability and compatibility across different platforms and industries.

  • Promote the widespread adoption of OpenEoX and ensure its broad application to both vendors and open-source maintainers.

  • Provide technical expertise and guidance on the application and evolution of OpenEoX.

(1)(d) Deliverables

The primary deliverables of the OpenEoX TC will be:

  • OpenEoX Standard: A comprehensive specification detailing the standardized processes and schema .

  • OpenEoX Implementation Guide: A handbook guiding industry stakeholders in implementing the standard.

(1)(e) IPR Mode

The OpenEoX TC will operate in the Non-Assertion Mode, as described in the OASIS IPR Policy

(1)(f) Audience

The anticipated audience for this work includes, but is not limited to:

  • Software and hardware vendors

  • Open-source maintainers

  • Technology consultants

  • Business stakeholders reliant on technology products

  • International, Federal, and local government organizations

  • Regulatory bodies in the software and hardware industries


(1)(g) Language

The OASIS OpenEoX TC will conduct its business in English.

(Optional References for Section 1)


Section 2: Additional Information

(2)(a) Identification of Similar Work


(2)(b) First TC Meeting

November 2, 2023 @ 12:00pm ET.

Cisco will sponsor and host via WebEx.

(2)(c) Ongoing Meeting Schedule

Monthly via WebEx.

(2)(d) TC Proposers

Omar Santos, Cisco osantos@cisco.com

Shridhar Chari, Cisco shridarc@cisco.com

Thomas Schaffer, Cisco thschaff@cisco.com

Thomas Schmidt, BSI thomas.schmidt@bsi.bund.deÂ

Justin Murphy, CISA justin.murphy@cisa.dhs.govÂ

Martin PrpiÄ, Red Hat, mprpic@redhat.com

Thomas Proell, Siemens, thomas.proell@siemens.comÂ

Denny Page, Individual, dennypage@me.comÂÂ

Stefan Hagen, Individual, stefan@hagen.link

Duncan Sparrell, Individual, duncan@sfractal.com

PrzemysÅaw Roguski, Red Hat, proguski@redhat.com

Jay White, Microsoft, Jaywhite@microsoft.comÂ

Adrian Diglio, Microsoft, Adrian.diglio@microsoft.comÂ

Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft, jrickard@microsoft.com

(2)(f) TC Convener

Omar Santos, osantos@cisco.com, Cisco Systems, Inc.Â

(2)(g) Anticipated Contributions

Initial schema draft and GitHub organization and repositories: https://github.com/OpenEoX/openeox

OpenEoX.org domain and logo.

(2)(i) FAQ Document



Kelly Cullinane

Technical Community Program StewardÂ



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