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Subject: Draft minutes for 15 October 2008

Draft minutes are attached.

Bruce A Rich
brich at-sign us dot ibm dot com
Minutes for 15 October 2008 ORMS meeting 

1. Call to order
	- Verify minute taker
		Bruce Rich taking notes
	- Roll call

	- Quorom achieved

	- Minutes for 1 October were NOT available, so NOT approved

2. Use Cases document
	- No update available
	- Mani not on the call, so no discussion

3. Note some ongoing reputation discussion on Google.Groups thread...see http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/orms/email/archives/200810/msg00003.html
	- Since non-public group (Identity gang), is not useable here
	- Tony notes a popular opinion that reputation is always subjective, not objective.
		Bothered by opinion can't be rendered into an objective value.
		Nat agrees that this is troubling.
		There are cases where input can be actual values and output can be too.
		Reputation value can be mathematical.
		Reputation calculation may output one of the input values.
		Mike...our system has to deal with profiles for users for which each attribute has a probability associated with it...don't need to have a category of "actual".
		General agreement that we do not have to distinguish special case of "actual", or cases where the probability is equal to 1.0

4. OASIS meeting, 28 Sept-2 Oct
	Tony...meetings went well
	Mike...not there during Giles Hogben's presentation where ORMS TC was presented, but positive feedback received by OASIS staff

5. Adjourned at 5:25PM EDT=

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