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Subject: Re: [oslc-core] Draft query spec

Here are my comments:

- You'll need to remove the Additional Artifacts I added before we decided to publish OSLC Query as a separate document.

- Abstract is missing

- Introduction is missing

- Terms are missing, suggest the following:
search term
sort key
query base


- linked-data entities --> resources.

- Linked Data Query Language Community Group has not met that I know of and closed  2016-04-29. Probably shouldn't reference this.

- [[OSLCCore2] introduced a Query Capability --> [[!OSLCCore3]] specifies a Query Capability (we don't need to include history in the motivation section.)

- Remove the bullets that describe what OSLC Query 2.0 didn't do, and describe what OSLC Query 3.0 does and why its interesting/important. e.g., OSLC Query 3.0 describes optional capabilities...

- provide a summary of changes from Query 2.0 section at the end of the document that has these bullets

Basic Concepts:

- Might be useful to mention OSLC Core selective properties here, indicating they may be applied to the results of a query.

Discovering a Query Capability

- needs a (UML) diagram introducing the example. Its too hard to follow parsing the Turtle.

- Regarding the oslc:resourceShape (similar comments apply to TRS membership), why is it necessary or even useful to have different ways of packaging the results of a query into a container? Why not simply state that the query results are in an ldp:Container, and members are declared using the ldp:contains property? Why introduce additional variability? This would seem to add client and server complexity with limited value. If we need to do this, then it should be motivated here.

I think this was included so that any given domain resource that happened to have an aggregation or composition association to some other resources through a property (similar to UML concepts), then a query on that resource could return its "members" using that stated composition property. If Core 2.0 had this, then we need to keep it. But an explanation of the motivation and example would be very helpful here.

What are the defaults if no oslc:resourceShape is specified on the QueryCapability?

- If the reason fro defining the isMemberProperty is to support UML-like structural composition semantics (something that's foreign to RDF), then it would seem natural to support more than one on the resource shape. Then there's the question of how to relate the property and value shape. Possibly allowing more than one oslc:resourceShape would do it (which is supported). Each resourceShape would have one isMemberProperty and valueShape

Using Query Capability..

- not sure I understand orderBy description. Need definition of sort key and does this only apply to searchTerms (seems like that's what's implied).

- oslc.select - should indicate the results are resource URLs if not specified, and selective properties applies additional filtering on the oslc.select properties (not sure why both would be needed - this needs an example).

- can oslc.where and oslc:searchTerms both be specified in the same query?

Query Result Containers:

- if a oslc:resourceShape isn't specified for the query capability, lfp:contains and rdfs: member would both be specified? Seems redundant.

- For the examples to be meaningful, we need RDF describing what's being queried, and the GET request with the query, followed by the results.

- The examples here don't show the motivation for the isMemberProperty. Rather they show how rdfs:member and is defined in relation to ldp:contains. We need an example that motivates isMemberProperty on a resource that has some containment association. Maybe something from FOAF would be clear and simple.

- Might be useful to specifically call out what's required for OSLC 2.0 compatibility here - what servers SHOULD do if 2.0 compatibility is desirable.

Query Result Paging

- Doesn't a paged response have to provide a ResponseInfo - otherwise how would the client get the next page?

Query Parameters


- says the syntax is EBNF, and the semantics is informally illustrated with examples - where is the formal specification of the semantics?

- "We have adopted a consistent naming convention for these query parameters to identify them as common across all OSLC specifications, namely all query parameter names are prefixed with the characters "oslc." The following sections define these query parameters." --> All query parameter names are prefixed with the characters "oslc." (just say what the rules are, not why they were created).

The introduction jumps right in with a number of special cases before the syntax and semantics are defined. Maybe this could be organized as 1. introduction to the clause, 2. clause syntax, 3. clause semantics (happy path), 4. Examples 5. special cases, error conditions.

- what are "default set of properties"? How is this specified?

- the only changes between this syntax and the OSLC Query 2.0 oslc.where - explain the syntax and semantics here. Put all the changes with OSLC Querh 2.0 in a separate section.


- "OSLC domain specification that supports full-text search should specify which resource properties are indexed". How is this specified? OSLC does not define database indices.

- "Results must be ordered with the entry with the largest oslc:score occurring first." - even of oslc:orderBy isn't specified?


- Should this only be allowed if there's an oslc:select to expose the available properties? Otherwise you'd have sorted member URLs without being able to see the sorting property. That might be oK, but is a little strange.

- the relationship between oslc.select and oslc.properties needs an example.

- example 10 is missing the prefix for oslc_cm and could also be returned as:

@prefix rdf:   <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix ldp:   <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#> .
@prefix rdfs:  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix oslc_cm: <http://open-services.net/ns/cm@> .
@prefix oslc:  <http://open-services.net/ns/core#> .

        a                oslc_cm:ChangeRequest ;
        dcterms:creator  <https://host:9443/jts/users/deb> ;
        dcterms:title    "Add context sensitive help support everywhere"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

        a                oslc_cm:ChangeRequest ;
        dcterms:creator  <https://host:9443/jts/users/deb> ;
        dcterms:title    "Not possible to change a user password"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

How would oslc.properties be applied to the previous query results, using the presented form or the one above?

Error Handling

- this section seems odd since there have already been a lot of error conditions described in the preceding sections.

That said, it seem that perhaps one reason the OSLC query capability might be hard to implement is because of the significant number of special cases in the syntax and execution semantics. I know this is necessary for compatibility, but...

Jim Amsden, Senior Technical Staff Member
OSLC and Linked Lifecycle Data

From:        David Honey1 <DavidHoney@uk.ibm.com>
To:        "OSLC Core TC (oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org)" <oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date:        05/24/2018 10:44 AM
Subject:        [oslc-core] Draft query spec
Sent by:        <oslc-core@lists.oasis-open.org>

Dear TC member,

Please review the draft OSLC Query 3.0 specification at
The draft spec contains red editorial comments to guide reviewers about issues we have previously discussed in TC meetings. and where appropriate, references the related Issue(s) in Jira. The editorial comments would be removed after TC review and discussion and before we go to public draft committee spec.

Please also review
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OSLCCORE-164. Jim has already included proposed changes in the core spec that we have previously discussed informally. However, we should formally vote on the issue.

Best regards,
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