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Subject: Combined OSLC Core and Domains TC meeting minutes 20190411

List of attendees: Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH), David Honey (Persistent/IBM), Jad El-khoury (KTH), Jim Amsden (IBM), Nick Crossley (IBM)
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): David is scribe.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): IBM OSCT has approved participation in open project.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Jim: Waiting for 3 approvals from IBM managers.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Nick: Believes Darcy's approval for Nick, Ian, and David to design the individual CLA ince the entity CLA is signed.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Nick: Believes Darcy's approval for Nick, Ian, and David to sign the individual CLA once the entity CLA is signed covers all three for both IBM and Persistent.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Jim will attach the slide presentation to the meeting minutes.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Desirable to have either redirect from OASIS SVN repo to new Github, or that we commit a change that includes links to new location.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Jim: Unclear who manages open-services.net.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Voting rights - some missed, and not been rigorous. Attendance at this meeting, and tomorrow's meeting will grant attendees of both voting rights.
List of attendees: Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH), David Honey (Persistent/IBM), Jad El-khoury (KTH), Jim Amsden (IBM), Nick Crossley (IBM)
Gray Bachelor:Gray - joined - apologies
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Mailing lists: oslc-op: Widest list. oslc-op-pgb is for project governing board - has right to vote on changes. oslc-op-tsc is technical steering committee who have right to make contributions. Proposal is to make pgb and tsc lists equivalent (same members).
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Start with just oslc-op and oslc-op-pgb first. Only create oslc-op-tsc later if required.
anonymous morphed into Andrew
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Nick: Would prefer tools to be in different repo from specs.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Respec currently in Nick's personal repo. Would like to move to OSLC OP repo.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Andrew: It is possible to merge the domains into core, preserving the Github history of domains.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Should include link from old doc location to latest spec location for each moved spec.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Nick: Other assets - pages on Wikis. Mostly minutes of meetings. Is there any other info we need to transfer?
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Any content that is relavant to ongoing business should be copied. OP Wiki can reference historical pages to allow people to understand discussions and decisions made.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): s/relavant/relevant/
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): OASIS Wiki - publically visible, at least in part.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Core, and QM are waiting for public review after transition to OP.
David Honey (Persistent/IBM): Other specs will need PGP approval for minor editorial/respec-related changes.
List of attendees: Andrew, Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH), David Honey (Persistent/IBM), Gray Bachelor, Jad El-khoury (KTH), Jim Amsden (IBM), Nick Crossley (IBM), anonymous

Jim Amsden, Senior Technical Staff Member
OSLC and Linked Lifecycle Data

Attachment: OSLC-OP-next-steps.pptx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation

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