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Subject: OSLC Change Management v3.0 and OSLC Requirements Management v2.1 approved as Committee Specifications

OASIS Members and other interested parties,

OASIS is pleased to announce that OSLC Change Management Version 3.0 and OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1 from the OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Domains TC [1] have been approved as OASIS Committee Specifications.

For anyone developing complex systems and software, managing change and configurations throughout the development lifecycle can be difficult. This is especially true in heterogeneous environments that include homegrown tools, open source projects, and commercial tools from different vendors. Organizations that need to design, develop, deliver, and evolve a portfolio of products can benefit from an open technical architecture that is minimalist, loosely coupled, and standardized.

The OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) initiative applies Linked Data principles, such as those defined in the W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP), to create a cohesive set of specifications that can enable products, services, and other distributed network resources to interoperate successfully.

OSLC Change Management v3.0 defines a RESTful web services interface for managing product change requests, activities, tasks and relationships as well as related resources such as requirements, test cases, or architectural resources.

OSLC Requirements Management v2.1 builds on OSLC's Core Specification to define the resources, properties and operations to be supported by an OSLC Requirements Definition and Management (OSLC-RM) server. Requirements Management resources include Requirements, Requirements Collections and supporting resources defined in the OSLC Core specification. The properties defined describe these resources and the relationships between resources. Operations are defined in terms of HTTP methods and MIME type handling. The resources, properties and operations defined target specific integration use cases documented by the OSLC Domains TC.

These Committee Specifications are OASIS deliverables, completed and approved by the TC and fully ready for testing and implementation.

The prose specifications and related files are available here:

OSLC Change Management Version 3.0
Committee Specification 02
24 August 2018

Part 1: Specification
HTML/Editable source (Authoritative):

Part 2: Vocabulary
HTML/Editable source (Authoritative):

OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1
Committee Specification 01
24 August 2018

Part 1: Specification
HTML/Editable source (Authoritative):

Part 2: Vocabulary
HTML/Editable source (Authoritative):

Distribution ZIP files
For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specifications and related files in ZIP distribution files. You can download the ZIP files here:
OSLC Change Management Version 3.0 ZIP file:
OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1 ZIP file:

Members of the OSLC Domains TC [1] approved these specifications by Special Majority Vote. The specifications had been released for public review as required by the TC Process [2]. The votes to approve them as Committee Specifications passed [3], and the documents are now available online in the OASIS Library as referenced above.

Our congratulations to the TC on achieving this milestone and our thanks to the reviewers who provided feedback on the specification drafts to help improve the quality of the work.

========== Additional references:
[1] OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Domains TC

[2] Public reviews:Â
OSLC Change Management Version 3.0
* 30-day public review, 09 November 2017:
 - Comment resolution log:Â
OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1
* 30-day public review, 04 July 2018:
 - Comment resolution log:

[3] Approval ballots:Â
OSLC Change Management Version 3.0
OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1
Paul KnightÂÂ-ÂTel: +1 781-883-1783
OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society -ÂDocument Process Analyst

Borderless Cyber 20183-5 Oct, Washington, D.C.
Organized by The World Bank, OASIS, and Georgetown University

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