As announced earlier, the work of the OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Domains (OSLC Domains) TC has successfully transitioned to the OSLC OASIS Open Project and the TC is now closed.
The OSLC TC was successful in launching the work to standardize integration of software or hardware development tools using World Wide Web and Linked Data principles. The OSLC Domains TC approved OSLC Change Management Version 3.0 as a Committee Specification on 08 June 2018, OSLC Requirements Management Version 2.1 on 24 August 2018, and OSLC Architecture Management Specification 2.1 on 08 October 2018. Additional work products began the transition to standardization through the work of the TC members.
The Committee made the transition to the Open Project to open up participation to the broader community. Participants can now contribute to the project, with or without membership in OASIS. So whether through making contributions to the work, participating in project calls and discussions, contributing articles, and posts for the web site, etc., please make yourself part of this important initiative.
As is standard OASIS policy, the archives of the Technical Committee will remain publicly visible on TC's web site at
The TC email list will be closed but the archive will remain available at The comments email will remain open and will be accessible at
Our congratulations and thanks to the members of the OSLC Domains TC for their contributions and our best wishes for continued success in the Open Project.
Chet Ensign
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393Â