March 10, 2022
Scribe nomination
Roll Call
Next meeting: March 24, 2022
Voting Rights Held by:
- Kazuo Yabuta
- Masaki Wakao
- Tom Kamimura
- Shigeaki Matsumoto
- Shinji Matsuoka
- Hiroyuki Yoshida
- Yoshio Horiuchi
- Shigenori Kobayashi
Chair: Tom Kamimura
Scribe: Tom Kamimura
- Tom Kamimura
- Masaki Wakao
- Kazuo Yabuta
- Hiroyuki Yoshida
- Shigeaki Matsumoto
- Shigenori Kobayashi
- Yoshio Horiuchi
- Shinji Matsuoka
1. Current status of the standard process
A ballot of final consent of PROMCODE specification as an OASIS Standard is on-going now. It will end on tomorrow, March, 11. So far, ten affirmative votes and no objection have been received.
2. Further work on publication
Kamimura updated a request to publish shapes.ttl and vocab.ttl files in OSLC Open project. We made a few editorial changes to these ttl files and ran ShapeCheck tool to validate the files. We are waiting for response from Andrew Berezovsky.
Our TC published a committee note OSLC PROMCODE Use Case Version 1 ( at ) on June 24, 2021. We need to decide if an editorial revision is needed or not. There was no time today, and will be discussed at the next TC call.
3. Announcement and update effort
We discussed the work needed for announcement and update of stakeholders once PROMCODE specification becomes an OASIS Standard. Possible work discussed were the following.
- update to companies who participated in the PROMCODE Consortium in Japan
- update to management in NEC
- update to Nanzan University
- update to METI
- a publication of a newsletter
One subject we discussed was what message we want to emphasize on the impact of OASIS Standard and how we should proceed for the impact to materialize. It was a free discussion and no conclusion was reached. We will continue further at future meetings.
- Wakao-san to contact Jason Keirstead for IBM to case a vote on the final consent.
- Once the specification becomes an OASIS Standard,
- Wakao-san will contact Atsumi-san regarding the need to contact Japan PROMCODE Consortium members for briefing the standard.
- Matsuoka-san to get a list of participant names and their e-mail addresses of the Consortium to share it with us.
- Matsumoto-san and Kobayashi-san to discuss what is needed to update their management in NEC.
The minutes created by T. Kamimura