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Subject: PKCS #11 encryption v2 API (formerly called AEAD API)


In the last conference call, I presented a preliminary proposal of
PKCS #11 AEAD API. I met with Bob Relyea last week to go over the
feedback from Michael (by email) and from others.

Here is a second attempt at the API. We removed "AEAD" from the
function names because they also apply to non-AEAD algorithms such as
CTR mode. For lack of a better term, I refer to the new functions
"encryption v2".

Attached are a presentation (the PDF file) and the C types and
functions (the .txt file) of the proposed PKCS #11 encryption v2 API.

In short, we still kick off an encryption or decryption process using
the existing C_EncryptInit or C_DecryptInit function. But each
mechanism specifies whether it is old style or new style (v2). For a
new-style (v2) mechanism, new V2 functions must be used to perform the
encryption or decryption, and to finish (finalize) the encryption or
decryption process.

Wan-Teh Chang
#define CKM_AES_GCM_V2 0x00000700  /* AES-GCM mechanism for v2 encryption and
                                    * decryption. Must not be used with
                                    * multi-part v2 functions. */

/* This mechanism parameters structure is not AES-specific. It can also be
 * used by Camellia-GCM. */
typedef struct CK_GCM_PARAMS_V2 {
  CK_ULONG ulNonceLen;
  CK_ULONG ulTagLen;
  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pNonceMech;  /* For encryption:
                                 * - If NULL, the entire nonce is provided by
                                 *   the caller.
                                 * - If not NULL, specifies how the nonce is
                                 *   generated partially or fully by the crypto
                                 *   module.
                                 * For decryption: must be NULL and the entire
                                 * nonce is provided by the caller. */


/* Mechanisms for generating nonces during encryption */

/* For encryption, the nonce may be partially or fully generated by the
 * crypto module. Therefore the source of the nonce needs to be specified.
 * For decryption, the caller always provides the entire nonce.
#define CKM_GCM_NONCE_DETERMINISTIC   0x00000750
#define CKM_GCM_NONCE_RBG_BASED       0x00000751

/* NIST SP 800-38D, Sec. 8.2.1 Deterministic Construction.
 * The fixed field is on the left, the invocation field is on the right.
 * The caller provides the fixed field. The crypto module generates and
 * outputs the invocation field.
  CK_BYTE_PTR pFixed;  /* the fixed field */
  CK_ULONG    ulFixedLen;

/* NIST SP 800-38D, Sec. 8.2.2 RBG-based Construction.
 * The random field is on the left, the free field is on the right.
 * The caller provides the free field. The crypto module generates and
 * outputs the random field. The free field is recommended to be empty
  CK_BYTE_PTR pFree;  /* the free field */
  CK_ULONG    ulFreeLen;

/* Encryption and decryption v2 */

/* The existing C_EncryptInit function is used to initialize a v2 encryption
 * operation. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the encryption mechanism */
  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey,        /* handle of encryption key */

/* Single-part v2 encryption. */

/* C_EncryptV2 encrypts single-part data. Note that it does not finish
 * the v2 encryption operation. Additonal C_EncryptV2* calls may be made
 * on the session. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
  CK_VOID_PTR       pPerMessageParam,    /* may be input or output, depending
                                          * on the pMechanism argument passed
                                          * to C_EncryptInit */
  CK_ULONG          ulPerMessageParamLen,
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pAssociatedData,     /* the associated data */
  CK_ULONG          ulAssociatedDataLen, /* bytes of associated data */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,               /* the plaintext data */
  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,           /* bytes of plaintext */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,      /* gets ciphertext */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedDataLen  /* gets c-text size */

/* Multiple-part v2 encryption functions. */

/* C_EncryptV2Begin begins a multi-part v2 encryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* the session's handle */
  CK_VOID_PTR       pPerMessageParam,    /* may be input or output, depending
                                          * on the pMechanism argument passed
                                          * to C_EncryptInit */
  CK_ULONG          ulPerMessageParamLen,
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pAssociatedData,     /* the associated data */
  CK_ULONG          ulAssociatedDataLen, /* bytes of associated data */

/* C_EncryptV2Update continues a multiple-part v2 encryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,           /* session's handle */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,              /* the plaintext data */
  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,          /* plaintext data len */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,     /* gets ciphertext */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen /* gets c-text size */

/* C_EncryptV2End ends a v2 multiple-part encryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,                /* session handle */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastEncryptedPart,      /* last c-text */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastEncryptedPartLen  /* gets last size */

/* C_EncryptV2Final finishes a v2 encryption operation. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */

/* The existing C_DecryptInit function is used to initialize a v2 decryption
 * operation. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the decryption mechanism */
  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* handle of decryption key */

/* Error code for AEAD decryption failure, which means the inputs are
 * not authentic.
 * Alternatively, we can just use the existing error code
 * CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID (0x00000040) for this purpose. */
#define CKR_AEAD_DECRYPT_FAILED  0x00000042

/* C_DecryptV2 decrypts encrypted data in a single part. Note that it
 * does not finish the v2 decryption operation. Additonal C_DecryptV2*
 * calls may be made on the session. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
  CK_VOID_PTR       pPerMessageParam,    /* input only */
  CK_ULONG          ulPerMessageParamLen,
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pAssociatedData,     /* the associated data */
  CK_ULONG          ulAssociatedDataLen, /* bytes of associated data */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,      /* ciphertext */
  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedDataLen,  /* ciphertext length */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,               /* gets plaintext */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDataLen           /* gets plaintext size */

/* Multiple-part v2 decryption functions. */

/* C_DecryptV2Begin begins a multi-part v2 decryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* the session's handle */
  CK_VOID_PTR       pPerMessageParam,    /* input only */
  CK_ULONG          ulPerMessageParamLen,
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pAssociatedData,     /* the associated data */
  CK_ULONG          ulAssociatedDataLen, /* bytes of associated data */

/* C_DecryptV2Update continues a multiple-part v2 decryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* encrypted data */
  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,  /* input length */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* gets plaintext */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen           /* plaintext size */

/* C_DecryptV2End ends a multiple-part v2 decryption. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,       /* the session's handle */
  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastPart,      /* gets plaintext */
  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastPartLen  /* plaintext size */

/* C_DecryptV2Final finishes a v2 decryption operation. */
  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,       /* the session's handle */

Attachment: PKCS11EncryptionV2-20140205.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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