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Subject: Next Standard Version Number

*sigh* sending to the correct alias this time.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
To: pkcs11-comment@lists.oasis-open.org

Hi folks -

Thank you for the great face-to-face meeting! Hope you
all had a great RSA!

One issue that came up at our face-to=face: what should our next version be?

* We have never added a new function to a minor rev of the
standard. That is, the last time we added any functions was
when we went from 1.x to 2.01.

* We need new functions to address several current issues,
most importantly the new "Implementation Guidance" from NIST
wrt AES GCM IV generation.

We had originally decided to go with 2.41 as a quick update
to add SHA3.  NOw the lists of algorithms we're adding has
grown, and so has the required functionality.

We are definitely out of "2.41" territory.

The question I am hoping to resolve in our next meeting is:
should we go to 3.0?

NOTE: there were lots of ideas for 3.0 that were quite drastic,
those would likely be pushed to 4.0.  But, the items on the
table now (see the minutes from the face-to-face) seem too
big to push as 2.50, even, especially given the new functions.

Bob's current proposals would mean 3.00 could be backwards compatible
to 2.40, with the function lists (note the plural).

I hope to have a voice vote on this in our next meeting, but
we can take it to a ballot if needed.

Mostly, we are worried about folks adopting such a leap. On
the other hand, if we don't address AES GCM IV generation, we
are in trouble in other ways.

We can all discuss on here, too :)

Thanks and talk to you soon!

Valerie Fenwick, http://bubbva.blogspot.com/ @bubbva
Solaris Cryptographic & Key Management Technologies, Manager
Oracle Corporation: 4180 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA, 95054.

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