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Subject: Re: [pkcs11] Revisiting Montgomery and Edwards curves


Sorry I forgot number

4. For the non-prehashed EdDSA variants the message needs to be processed twice by the function. Therefore, they are single-shot and cannot be used with update/final. Shall we mention this explicitly and agree on an error code?


-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Daniel Minder <Daniel.Minder@utimaco.com>
Datum: 14.02.19 18:02 (GMT+01:00)
An: pkcs11@lists.oasis-open.org
Betreff: [pkcs11] Revisiting Montgomery and Edwards curves



when having a closer look at RFCs 7748, 8032 and 8410, some questions concerning Montgomery and Edwards curves came to my mind related to PKCS#11 3.0 Current Mechanisms Working Draft 08 Section 2.3.


1. Was it intentional not to include CKF_EC_CURVENAME in Table 34? Although we mention this flag later on in the text, it's neither defined in the header files nor used anywhere else.


2. RFC 8410 now defines four OIDs for Ed25519, Ed448, X25519 and X448. Note that this not only denotes the curve but also the algorithm. This was a conscious decision (see e.g. https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/curdle/OL3Y4ohwleOukV8CMkE9kgrFPZg). Our WD08 refers to "a curve name as defined in RFC 8032" and gives as example "Edwards25519". (The same holds for Montgomery curves, but no example is given.) Thus, it does not make the distinction between the different algorithms. Instead, the CKM_EDDSA mechanism gets a parameter that specifies the algorithm.

2a. Shall we keep this approach?

2b. Shall be also allow to use the four OIDs defined in RFC 8410 to identify a curve? Then, the mechanism would be restricted to the "Pure" version and no mechanism parameter is allowed.


3. There is the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman algorithm working on Montgomery curves, but I'm missing the "normal" ECDH mechanism working on curve25519/curve448 as described in RFC 7748 section 6. Or shall CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE with KDF_NULL and empty sharedData be used? Or better introduce a new mechanism?





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