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Subject: Comments from PKI Workshop concall participant

Here are some comments that Krishna Sankar sent me
after the PKI Labs & PKI Workshop concall. He gave
me permission to pass them on.

Also, I asked Krishna whether he could help us
define the e-commerce application more clearly
and work on addressing obstacles related to that.
He said yes! That will be helpful.

BTW, note that Krishna is an Observer in the PKI TC.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Comments on PKI discussions - E- business
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 18:30:23 -0700
From: "Krishna Sankar" <ksankar@cisco.com>
Reply-To: <ksankar@cisco.com>
To: "'Steve Hanna'" <steve.hanna@sun.com>


	Thank you very much for the discussions we had today afternoon.

	Have a couple of thoughts on the e-biz (actually a few ;-)). I used
to work on this when I was at HP and at Cisco.

	a)	Signing collaborative documents (eg.designs) between
	b)	B2B transactions - Purchase orders, invoices, packing slips
	c)	Govt to Citizen and back - especially in Europe where they
have cards and certs for citizens
	d)	Govt to Business - I think in Italy every business gets it's
own private key for signing stuff during incorporation
	e)	We need to find the e-biz scenarios, documents that folks
want to sign, workflows and business processes involved et al. I used to
a member of the ETSI Electronic Signature group. Business scenarios and
workflows are interesting, but are companies incorporating this ? We
need to
find the hammer (govt laws) that need to be compliant and we have the
cases. HIPAA, the oxly.. And other laws might require secure signing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Hanna [mailto:steve.hanna@sun.com] 
> Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:01 AM
> To: PKI TC
> Here are a few highlights from today's meeting
> of the OASIS PKI Technical Committee:
> 1) We agreed to change our usual meeting time. We'll still
>    meet on the third Wednesday of each month, but now we'll
>    alternate between 11:00 AM Eastern U.S. Time and 12:00 PM
>    (noon). This will be a bit more fair, alternating an
>    inconvenience for Western U.S. participants (starting
>    at 8:00 AM their time) with an inconvenience for U.K.
>    participants (ending at 6:00 PM their time). Our next
>    meeting will be:
>    Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2003
>    Time: 12:00 PM (noon) Eastern U.S. Time
>    Concall # (the usual):
> U.S.:     +1.888.827.2241 (toll-free)
> Non-U.S.: +1.706.679.8701
> Conference Code: 703-708-3037
> 2) We agreed that the Issues Subcommittee (set up earlier
>    for another purpose) will now be rechartered to review
>    feedback on the draft PKI Action Plan and send summaries
>    and recommendations for changes to the PKI TC. The Issues
>    SC's membership and email address will not change. Please
>    send feedback on the Action Plan to this SC at
>    pki-issues@lists.oasis-open.org.
> 3) We discussed several of the comments received in the
>    last few weeks. We agreed that I will make any changes
>    that were agreed to and forward a revised draft Action Plan
>    to the TC list for a brief review period. If there are no
>    objections, this draft will be posted on the TC web site.
> I expect that John Sabo and June Leung will provide more
> complete minutes from the meeting soon, but I know that
> John is travelling now so this may take a while. I'm going
> to start acting on these decisions now, so I thought a
> brief summary email to the list would be wise.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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