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pki-survey message

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Subject: Draft Survey

Here's a first draft for our survey, based on the
conversation at our last meeting. Please look it over
and provide suggestions by email or at our meeting
on Wednesday.

Feel free to criticize wildly, throw the whole thing
out, or whatever. This is just a straw man to get
the discussion started.




OASIS PKI TC Survey - Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage

The OASIS Public Key Instracture Technical Committee (PKI TC) aims to
address issues related to the successful deployment of digital
certificates. We have decided to begin by identifying the most common
obstacles to PKI deployment and usage. Then we will move on
to examine how they can be addressed.

If you have experience or expertise with PKI, please help us
by completing this survey. To respect your privacy, responses
will only be reported in aggregate form.

Q1 Are you currently using PKI within your organization? Yes/No

   If Yes, skip to Q3

Q2 Have you considered using PKI? Yes/No

   If No, skip to Q4.

Q3 What are you using or have you considered using PKI for?

   Check as many as you like

   Web Server Security       [ ]
   Single Sign On            [ ]
   Document Signing          [ ]
   Electronic Commerce       [ ]
   Virtual Private Network   [ ]
   Secure Email              [ ]
   Code Signing              [ ]
   Other (describe below)    [ ]

   Other: ____________________________________________________

Q4 In your opinion, what are the primary obstacles to PKI
   deployment and usage?

                                     Not      Somewhat     Very
                                  Important  Important  Important
   Cost                              ( )        ( )        ( )
   Complexity                        ( )        ( )        ( )
   Poor Interoperability             ( )        ( )        ( )
   Hard for End Users to Use         ( )        ( )        ( )
   Legal Issues                      ( )        ( )        ( )
   Applications don't support it     ( )        ( )        ( )
   Other (describe below)            ( )        ( )        ( )

   Other: ____________________________________________________

Q5 If these obstacles were removed, would you use PKI more? Yes/No

   If No, skip to Q7

Q6 What would you use PKI for?

   Check as many as you like

   Web Server Security       [ ]
   Single Sign On            [ ]
   Document Signing          [ ]
   Electronic Commerce       [ ]
   Virtual Private Network   [ ]
   Secure Email              [ ]
   Code Signing              [ ]
   Other (describe below)    [ ]

   Other: ____________________________________________________

Q7 What is your primary job?

   Popup: {IT Management, IT Staff, Non-IT Management, Software
           Auditor, Lawyer, Researcher, Other (describe below)}

   Other: ____________________________________________________

Q8 What country is your primary work location in?

   Popup: {Countries, listed from A to Z}

Q9 How many employees does your employer have?

   Popup: {1-99, 100-499, 500-999, 1000-9999, 10,000 or more}

Q10 What is your employer's primary sector or industry?

   Popup: {Education, Government, Health Care, Other Services,
           Manufacturing (Computer-related), Manufacturing
           Other (describe below)}

   Other: ____________________________________________________

Q11 How many years have you been involved with IT?

   Popup: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-10, 11-15, 16 or more}

Q12 What is your email address? We will only use this to send
    the results of the survey and announcements of follow-up
    surveys (if any). This answer is not required.


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