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Subject: RE: [pki-survey] Groups - pkitcsurveysc-minutes-May-7-2003.txt uploaded

I'm happy with these minutes except for one amendment; I thought we had
agreed that Steve would liaise with Jeremy Hilton of EEMA regarding both
feedback on the draft survey and at the same time, ask whether they would be
willing to distribute an invitation to their members to participate in the
final survey.

Is this OK?


-----Original Message-----
From: steve.hanna@sun.com [mailto:steve.hanna@sun.com]
Sent: 07 May 2003 21:06
To: pki-survey@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [pki-survey] Groups - pkitcsurveysc-minutes-May-7-2003.txt

The document pkitcsurveysc-minutes-May-7-2003.txt has been submitted by
Steve Hanna (steve.hanna@sun.com) to the PKI Survey SC document repository.

Document Description:
Unapproved minutes from the May 7, 2003 meeting of the PKI Survey

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