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Subject: Today's PKI TC Survey SC Concall and Date for Next One

I added minutes for today's concall to our web site.
That's what the cryptic email you just received is
telling you. I have included a copy of the minutes
below. Comments are welcome.

Note that Peter and I set a date for our next concall:
Thursday, June 19, 2003, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern
U.S. Time. The survey should be done and we'll need
a lot of time to discuss the results. I'll be able to
do real-time analysis of the results using the
SurveySolutions XP software! And we'll get started
on our report on conclusions from the survey.

Please let me know ASAP if you can't make our next
meeting. It will surely be the most exciting one yet!




          PKI TC Survey Subcommittee Conference Call
     Thursday, May 22, 2003, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern U.S. Time
                     Unapproved Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Steve Hanna (Chair), Peter Doyle
Members Absent: Paul Evans, Terry Leahy
Minutes taken by: Steve Hanna

Steve Hanna called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.
We did not have a quorum, since only 2 of the 4 members
were present.

Agenda Review

We agreed to remove the item "Review test survey" from the
agenda since that was covered during yesterday's PKI TC
concall. We added an item to discuss Survey Analysis.

Approval of Minutes of May 7, 2003

No quorum present, but no objections.

Discuss How Survey is Being Hosted

Steve gave a brief description of how the survey is being
hosted. We're using the SurveySolutions XP software from
Perseus Development Corp. Currently, we have an evaluation
license but we will soon be purchasing a copy of the
Standard edition.

The software has a client component (for creating and
analyzing surveys) and a server component (for running
the surveys). The client component is running on Steve's
Windows PC. The server component is running on the
OASIS web servers. The server component can log results
to the server hard drive or email them to Steve. We're
planning to do both for backup.

Discuss Survey Analysis

We agreed that during the survey Steve will send periodic
updates to the Survey SC with information about how many
surveys have been received, raw totals for each answer, etc.

Once the survey is complete, Steve will prepare an initial
analysis and send that to the Survey SC. Then we should
have an in-depth discussion of the data where Steve can
use the analysis tools built into SurveySolutions XP to
consider the data from many angles, looking for interesting
correlations. Finally, we'll prepare a report on the
survey results and release that to the PKI TC and the
world, sending a copy to the survey respondents who gave
us their email address.

We agreed that the privacy of respondents' data must be
preserved. We have promised that only PKI TC members will
see individual responses. We want to go beyond that to
ensure that the email addresses collected are only used
for follow-up surveys and sending survey results. So we
agreed that those addresses will only be seen by Steve
and by OASIS staff (for backup purposes).

Check Status on Publicity Plan

We reviewed the status of the publicity plan. So far,
about half of the contacts have agreed to forward the
survey invitation. The other half haven't decided yet.
Nobody has said "No" yet.


We agreed that we should start drafting the survey
invitation. Steve will prepare a draft and then
circulate it to the Survey SC for review. After
that, we'll circulate it to the PKI TC for review.
Once the survey is live (scheduled for May 28),
we'll send the invitation out to the folks who have
agreed to forward it.

Next Meeting

We agreed that our next meeting should be a two hour
concall after the survey results are in. We will focus
on analyzing the results. We chose Thursday, June 19,
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern U.S. Time. Same callin number.

Steve will confirm this with the other PKI Survey SC members.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:28 PM.

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