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Subject: Endorsing HEPKI-TAG Eudora S/MIME letter

The Higher Education PKI Technical Activities Group
(HEPKI-TAG), a group of U.S. Higher Education IT staff
involved or interested in higher education PKI usage,
is planning to send a letter to Qualcomm Corp, asking
them to add S/MIME support to their popular email client,
Eudora. This is the last major email client that doesn't
support S/MIME. If they can get Eudora to support S/MIME,
it will remove a lot of barriers to PKI adoption on campus.

The HEPKI-TAG chair (Jim Jokl of UVA) has asked me if the
PKI TC can endorse their request. They are signing up
endorsers to show Qualcomm that this request has significant
backing in higher education and beyond. The draft letter is at

Please review this letter and consider whether you think
the PKI TC should endorse it. At our September meeting,
we will vote on this.



P.S. I have confirmed with the OASIS Administration that
the PKI TC is welcome to endorse this if we want. We just
need to state clearly that this is an endorsement by the
OASIS PKI TC, not by OASIS itself.

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