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Subject: PKI Ask Vendors SC status report

Here's the September 2004 monthly status report from the
PKI TC's Ask Vendors Subcommittee. As you may recall,
our charter is to implement the Ask Vendors action item
in the PKI Action Plan: asking application vendors what
they need to provide better PKI support and exploring
how these needs can be met.

On September 7, Steve Hanna sent the Ask Vendors survey at
to the list of 48 email and document signing vendors at
So far, he has received four substantial responses and
nine responses saying that a response is being prepared
or the survey has been forwarded on to someone else.

We will send reminders and followup calls this week and
wait another two weeks for responses. Then we will tally
the results. By early October, we should have completed
our charter by preparing a Survey Analysis report and a
set of recommendations for addressing the survey results.



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