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Subject: Follow up: [pki-tc] TC meeting at the IDtrust workshop, March 4,5 or 6?

Dear All

I had three PKIA TC members respond to say they are attending IDtrust 
(and I assume are available in principle for a special f2f TC meeting).

These sorts of intense in-person sessions have always proved useful.  On 
this occasion, I hope to progress two important but subtle work items: 
the legal issues white paper, and the proposed new PKI education 
workshop that we would aim to present in late 2008.  I'd like to think 
we could find two hours or so during the three days of IDtrust, ideally 
with a meal to follow.

I'd actually like to extend the social invitation to the EKMI TC and 
more broadly to those in the IDtrust Member Section who don't regularly 
participate in the PKI TC.

So, if you're attending IDtrust (and are not one of the three who have 
already e-mailed me) please let me know, and we'll then have a short 
list of people to get organised!



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [pki-tc] TC meeting at the IDtrust workshop, March 4, 5 or 6?
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 16:12:18 +1100
From: Stephen Wilson <swilson@lockstep.com.au>
Organization: Lockstep
To: pki-tc@lists.oasis-open.org

Dear All

I wonder how many of us are attending the IDtrust workshop at NIST,
Gaithersburg over March 4-6?  I am coming to present a paper ("Public
Key Superstructure").  And a good number of our TC members are involved
in the workshop steering committee.

It would be a nice opportunity to meet face-to-face.  Perhaps less
formally, over a beer and a meal?

Can people please indicate their plans to attend, and we can get a feel
for whether we have quorum on one of those days?



Stephen Wilson
Chair, OASIS PKI Adoption TC
Managing Director, Lockstep Group

Phone +61 (0)414 488 851

Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis
on identity management, PKI and smartcards.  Lockstep Technologies
develops unique new smartcard technologies to address transaction
privacy and web fraud.

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