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Subject: DEX conference call 28 January - Cancelled

Title: DEX conference call 28 January - Cancelled

Dear all.
Unfortunately I’m not able to attend the DEX conference call tomorrow due to an external meeting. I asked for the call primary to have the latest status report from team leaders and modellers as input for the workshop next week.

If someone disagrees with this cancelling, please let Adrian Blenkiron or Carolyn Cox know so they can arrange the call after all.

SC Chairs/team leaders and modellers
I assume that status reported in the London workshop still reflect the status of the DEXs, except for the modeller’s progress on capabilities. Please let me know if this is not the case – and give me a status update of your DEX.

Best Regards
Trine Hansen
UCTNO932, IT Business Services
Det Norske Veritas AS
( + 47 67 57 96 38
* trine.hansen@dnv.com

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