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Subject: FW: IDtrust Member Section Request to Affiliated Technical Committees

FYI: Opportunity for PMRM TC promotion.






From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:42 PM
To: stefan@drees.name; cruellas@ac.upc.edu; Timothy.Bruce@ca.com; peter.davis@neustar.biz; drummond.reed@xdi.org; tonynad@microsoft.com; anil.saldhana@redhat.com; mgoodner@microsoft.com; robert.griffin@rsa.com; Subhash.Sankuratripati@netapp.com; mmani@avaya.com; n-sakimura@nri.co.jp; barnhill_william@bah.com; idtrust-sc@lists.oasis-open.org; David.Staggs@va.gov; duane.decouteau@gmail.com; Michael.Jones@microsoft.com; mwillett@nc.rr.com; 'Sabo, John T'
Cc: 'Dee Schur'
Subject: IDtrust Member Section Request to Affiliated Technical Committees


IDtrust TC chairs,

As we begin the second quarter of 2011, I would like to take the opportunity to update the IDtrust affiliated TCs on MS activities and present support options afforded by the Member Section.

As you know, a principal goal of the IDtrust MS is to raise visibility of the work done by the affiliated TCs.  Therefore, the Steering Committee (StC) – Peter Alderman, Bruce Rich, Michael McIntosh, John Sabo (StC chair), and Anil Saldhana - is inviting your TC to consider potential activities that will increase adoption or advance your technical work. This may include; coordinating potential speaking opportunities at various security events, sponsorship of F2F meetings, assistance with outreach to increase TC membership, creating marketing materials, etc.  Please let me know if you have specific initiatives where the Member Section can provide support.  Please send any requests to the StC list and such requests will be discussed at the next StC meeting. You are always welcome to join a Steering Committee meeting to outline specific funding requests or provide the StC with a TC progress report. If any member of your TC is presenting on behalf of the TC, we would like the opportunity to publicize that activity.  As the MS coordinator, I am available to help with this process. It is extremely valuable for the chair(s) to brief the StC on the activities of your TC.

Again this year, the OASIS IDtrust MS has actively sponsored a variety of workshop, events, conferences, etc. to continue to promote the technical work and seek opportunities for new technical work that enhances the overall mission of the MS. The MS has sponsored/will be sponsoring the NIST IDtrust 2011, IIW, European Identity Conference, and there are others in the development stage. We will have/had speakers at RSA, IIW, EIC, Cloud Computing Expo (East and West), Key Management Summit, ETSI, and others. The MS will be co-sponsoring a fall security event in the UK with the OASIS eGov MS – you will hear more about this event shortly.

We are very excited about the continued growth of the IDtrust Member Section and we would like to encourage all of your TC member organizations to participate in the IDtrust MS, if they are not currently doing so. Please feel free to contact me or the Steering Committee at any time.



 Dee Schur, Senior Manager - Standards Advocate
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
+1.781.425.5073 x211

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