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Subject: FW: [pmrm] Groups - Ballot opened: "Approve PMRM v1.0 WD07 as new CSD and submit for a 15-day Public Review?"

Dear PMRMers –


We urge all voting-eligible members to VOTE.


On our last ballot, some (one) such member did not vote.

The quorum/majority rules are tight.






Co-chairs: Michael Willett and John Sabo  


From: workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of tc_admin@oasis-open.org
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:02 AM
To: mwillett@nc.rr.com
Subject: [pmrm] Groups - Ballot opened: "Approve PMRM v1.0 WD07 as new CSD and submit for a 15-day Public Review?"


"Approve PMRM v1.0 WD07 as new CSD and submit for a 15-day Public Review?" has opened.

Ballot Title: Approve PMRM v1.0 WD07 as new CSD and submit for a 15-day Public Review?

Do members of the PMRM TC approve PMRM v1.0 WD07 [1] as new Committee Specification Draft and requests that this new Committee Specification Draft also be submitted for a further 15-day Public Review?

The PMRM TC approves the latest draft (WD07):

[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/pmrm/download.php/48732/PMRM-v1.0-wd07.pdf

as a new draft committee specification, drafted in response to the second public review


As this draft includes material changes to the previous public review draft, the TC requests that this new Committee Specification Draft also be submitted for a further 15-day Public Review.

The TC also notes that:

- the .pdf version referenced above is considered authoritative;

- the principal change is the inclusion of a Conformance section as required by the OASIS TC Process;

- an editable (.docx) version of the WD07 draft is available at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/pmrm/download.php/48733/PMRM-v1.0-wd07.docx

- for information, a tracked changes version of the document is available at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/pmrm/download.php/48734/PMRM-v1.0-wd07-tracked.pdf

The TC instructs the chairs to proceed with the formal requests to TC Administration for creation of the new Committee Specification Draft and Committee Specification Public Review Draft.

Closing Date: Friday, 12 April 2013 @ 9:00 am EDT


  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain

Group: OASIS Privacy Management Reference Model (PMRM) TC
Date Opened: Thursday, 4 April 2013 @ 9:00 am EDT


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