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Subject: Re: [pmrm] PMRM TC meeting cancelled / restart in January 2015

Thank you for the notice. For your January TC agenda, could you add to the agenda an opportunity for OASIS staff to chat with the TC about OASIS' own privacy policy plans? 

We did have a preliminary chat with the PbDSE TC last month; but our plans probably are more related to the work of this committee. We would appreciate the opportunity  to review with you our thoughts on possible implementation of some of your specifications' processes.

Thanks, warm regards and very happy holidays to all. Jamie

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> On Dec 8, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Gershon Janssen <gershon@qroot.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Our next PMRM TC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 9 December 2014.
> Although we have been working on an updated use case document for discussion by the TC, its not ready yet.
> As we don't have any other pressing matters, we believe the agenda for our scheduled meeting will be too light-weight.
> Given this is a busy month for most TC members, we agreed to not have our December meeting and make a fresh start in 2015.
> Our next meeting will be Tuesday 13 January 2015. Please feel free to submit any topics you like would to schedule for our next meeting.
> We wish all of you a wonderful holiday season!
> Kind regards,
> Gershon Janssen
> OASIS PMRM TC Secretary

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