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Subject: Re: [pbd-se] Revised Draft Comments on NISTIR 8062 - Comments Needed by July 10
TC Members:
Attached is the updated revision of comments on the NISTIR 8062 that we have been discussing. I tried to integrate comments as best I could, but that is always challenging so I ask the major contributors (Gail Magnuson, Mike Davis, Nico Notario, Antonio Kung) to review carefully to ensure I captured your main issues. There is a certain amount of repetitiveness and overlap, but I don't have the cycles to do another major edit for readability.
Our response to the NISTIR is due by July 13, so I will need TC member comments on this draft by Friday, July 10 so they can be formatted and transmitted by the due date.
Dawn, as chair of the PbD-SE TC, I will need your approval to include your TC in our submission.
Best regards,
John Sabo, CISSP
Chair, PMRM TC
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