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Subject: Re: [pmrm] Final Comments - PMRM and PbD TC Comments on draft NISTIR 8062

Thanks John, on behalf of the PbD-SE, for all of your terrific work on the feedback to NIST on draft NISTIR 8062. 

Members of the PbD-SE, Gershon indicates that he intends to update our calendar, and we will have a meeting on July 15. We would like to discuss getting the working standards-track document ready for public review to get our share of feedback too.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 3:06 PM, John Sabo <john.annapolis@comcast.net> wrote:
PMRM and PbD-SE TC Members:

Attached is the final version of our comments on the draft NISTIR 8062, incorporating the most recent inputs and changes from committee members.  Unless there are any substantive changes or errors, this will be transmitted to NIST on July 13.

To improve readability, I modified the section on PRIPARE somewhat, and included links to PRIPARE and the draft methodology.  I ask Antonio and Nico to please review this section to be sure I haven't inadvertently included any erroneous language.

I am not certain if this can be fitted to the NIST format, which is a spreadsheet format not conducive to extended comments and requiring characterization of each comment as  Editorial, General, or Technical.  Given the nature of the NISTIR, except for the risk management equation, I believe our comments should be characterized as technical except for the introductory Summary.  I'll see if I can get this transferred into the matrix format, but if not will transmit this as a PDF - or maybe do both, using the Matrix for line comments only.

Thanks to members of both committees for their input and edits.

Best  regards,

John Sabo
Chair, PMRM TC

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