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Subject: Upcoming PMRM TC Meeting - Tuesday, 12 January 2016 10AM - 11:30AM EST - Conference Bridge Information

PMRM TC Members:

A reminder that our next regular TC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12 from 10AM to 11:30AM EST. See the NOTE below for a link to the telephone bridge information.  

Thanks once again to Gershon Janssen for providing the conference bridge for our meeting.

I will send out an agenda before the meeting, but the primary focus will be to discuss the draft revision of the PMRM v2.0.  I have received extensive comments and edits from Gal Magnuson and Michele Drgon, and will upload the discussion draft later today or tomorrow morning. 


Please find the phone information for our PMRM TC teleconference meeting at the following URL:


The page can be accessed using you OASIS login credentials.

Best regards,


John Sabo, CISSP

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