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Subject: Status of PMRM CS02 Public Review Process and Cancellation of April 12 TC Meeting - Next TC Meeting May 10 2016 at 10AM EDT
PMRM TC Members, As you know, the ballot for approval of the revised PMRM v1.0 Committee Specification (CS)02 was withdrawn because of concerns that the volume of changes were so extensive that they constituted material changes and therefore would require a public review. I provided notice to the TC that I intended to initiate the public review process asking for any objections. Because I received no objections, I requested on April 4 that Chet Ensign initiate the public review process. Chet opened a ticket and will start the PR process as soon it moves to the head of his queue. Because the formal 15-day public review period has not yet begun, I'm canceling the April 12 TC meeting. Hopefully we will have closed the public review process before the May 10 meeting and have an opportunity to review and dispose of any comments and then proceed to ballot the revised specification. As a reminder, the URI for the working draft is: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/pmrm/download.php/57693 The URI for the description of the changes is: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/pmrm/download.php/57694. Best regards, John John Sabo Chair, PMRM Technical Committee
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