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Subject: regrep 1/24/2007: Question on RS Section 3.1 Errata (Public Comment)

On the Registry Services Errata, Section 3.1:

Please clarify:
1. How does the registry respond if a user does not supply the id attribute for submitted objects?
2. How does the registry respond if a user supplies a URN, but it collides with an existing one?

Both were addressed in previous text not the current proposed updates. The new text does explicitly describe how the registry will respond in these cases. 

Reference: Line 1150 original text:
A Submitter MAY optionally supply the id attribute for submitted objects. If the Submitter supplies the id and it is a valid URN and does not conflict with the id of an existing RegistryObject within the home registry then the registry MUST 
honor the Submitter-supplied id value and use it as the value of the id attribute of the object in the registry. If the id is not a valid URN then the registry MUST return a InvalidRequestException. If the id conflicts with the id of an existing 
RegistryObject within the home registry then the registry MUST return InvalidRequestException for an UpdateObjectsRequest and treat it as an Update action for a SubmitObjectsRequest. If the client does not supply an id for a submitted object then the registry MUST generate a universally unique id. A registry generated id value MUST conform to the format of a URN that specifies a DCE 128 bit UUID as specified in [UUID]: (e.g. /urn:uuid:a2345678-1234-1234-123456789012/).

Replace with new text:

A Submitter MUST supply the id attribute for submitted objects. If the Submitter supplies the id and it is a valid URN then the registry MUST honor the Submitter-supplied id value and use it as the value of the id attribute of the object in the registry. If the id is not a valid URN then the registry MUST treat it as a temporary id and replace it, and all references to it within the request, with a registry generated universally unique id. A registry generated universally unique id value MUST conform to the format of a URN that specifies a DCE 128 bit UUID as specified in [UUID]: / (e.g. urn:uuid:a2345678-1234-1234-123456789012)./


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