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Subject: UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?

In the UDDI Technical Note "UDDI as the registry for ebXML components"
[1], the Problem statement (p.3) states:

"This introduces significant concerns of cost and manageability, because
ebXML and Web services impose separate infrastructure requirements and
platform components."

Is this entirely accurate, given that one can register and maintain Web
services in an ebXML Registry? The entire Problem statement is
reproduced below. I wonder if this is a typo.


1.1 Problem statement
Multiple consortia have initiated pilot projects using the ebXML
framework for business-to-business transactions, while corporations have
also begun adopting ebXML technologies for internal use. At the same
time Web service technologies, which have significant momentum due to
unprecedented industry support, are also being rolled out. This
introduces significant concerns of cost and manageability, because ebXML
and Web services impose separate infrastructure requirements and
platform components.

As a universal technology for publication and discovery of service
metadata, UDDI allows the bridging of the two infrastructures by
accommodating metadata registrations for Web services as well as ebXML
framework components, enabling interoperability among trading partners
using ebXML or Web services. However, a prescribed methodology of
modeling services and components which are conformant to ebXML
specifications is required to make interoperable solutions possible.

tel;work:(703) 902-6923
org:Booz | Allen | Hamilton;IT Digital Strategies Team
adr:;;8283 Greensboro Drive;McLean;VA;22012;
title:Senior Consultant
fn:Joseph M. Chiusano

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