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Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?
While it's true that the ebXML infrastructure works well with the SOAP/WSDL infrastructure, I don't think it's fair to say that the inverse is true. A SOAP/WSDL service can't reference a BPSS or CPPA component without added infrastructure support. In oversimplified terms, the ebXML infrastructure is a tailored superset of the SOAP/WSDL infrastructure. The whole point of this TN is to support interoperability, not to incite disagreement. Before you start raising motions to the JMT, can we please try to just work this out among ourselves? I thought we were having a reasonable conversation here. I'm trying to understand the issue so that I can take it back to the UDDI TC. Best regards, Anne ----- Original Message ----- From: "David RR Webber - XML ebusiness" <Gnosis_@compuserve.com> To: "Chiusano Joseph" <chiusano_joseph@bah.com>; "Karl Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> Cc: "Anne Thomas Manes" <anne@manes.net>; <regrep@lists.oasis-open.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 11:51 AM Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo? > Joe, > > I'm not sure it is. Clearly a BPSS can reference a WSDL component. > Likewise a CPPA can reference a WSDL component. > > Its misleading to infer that ebXML and WS are an either/or selection > or that there is some significant barrier to using them in tandem. > > The clear OASIS message that the JMT is furthering is that OASIS > standards interoperate and therefore to infer otherwise is to > misrepresent. We should not have OASIS TC's stating > that their stuff infers in some way that there is a significant overhead > associated from using other OASIS components with them. > > Also - one TC should not be trying to impose a role or a model > on other TC's - that's for the individual TC to manage - so a simple > reference is preferred such as - "for details on using ebXML Registry > in this role - see the OASIS ebXML Registry TC resource site". > > If a TC feels there is technical reasons that need resolved, then > they should be raising this appropriately and then OASIS as a > whole can work on resolving those thru clarifications of the > architecture and roles. > > Thanks, DW. > ========================================================= > Message text written by "Chiusano Joseph" > > > <Quote1> > My interpretation of the paragraph is "ebXML services and Web services", > where "ebXML services" = services that communicate using the ebXML > infrastructure (ebMS and possibly CPPA and BPSS), and "Web services" = > services that communicate using the SOAP/WSDL infrastructure. > </Quote1> > > That's a fair interpretation, I believe. In light of that, I'll restate > the quote from the UDDI TN: > < >
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