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Subject: RE: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?


Just got caught up on this whole discussion this afternoon.  To answer Joe's question, while there is no official liaison, I've been sitting in on both groups.  I brought this document to the ebXML RegRep back in March and the decision was that it was an issue for CPPA and ebMS to deal with.  The document moved on.

To be honest, I never caught the implication of the wording when I read it, but that was just my take at the time I read it and doesn't mean the point is invalid.  Having read it light of the input being made I can see what's been pointed out as a possible interpretation.  I'm glad Anne took up working through the issue to develop a compromise.  I'll stress along with her, that UDDI took extensive steps to let ebXML know about this document and did not comments back.  I'll concurrently acknowledge ebXML RegRep for providing an initial position on who to follow-up with that went back to UDDI (and UDDI acted on that).

Also, given the tense nature of things between these two groups, I do not want to imply that because RegRep passed in March on taking up a formal review that later input is mute and invalid.  Any standards body, IMHO, should welcome constructive input at anytime.  That helps make products better.  I think both TCs have done an extraordinary job of reaching out for input on their products.

I agree that there are points where UDDI and RegRep should be aware of each other's activities.  For myself, I maintain contacts with the two groups exactly because they are so close.  I think the discussions that have vetted out show both groups are following similar paths with their technical notes to expound on their base technologies.  The point here, I think is that the best benefit for both groups is to maintain lines of communication.  And hopefully reduce assumptive concerns / reactions by all.  I'm pleased to see the acknowledgments that down play negative intents.

Thank you,

Paul "Colin Powell" Macias

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:anne@manes.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 12:13 PM
To: David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
Cc: Chiusano Joseph; regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?

I doubt that very many people will abandon .NET, WebLogic, WebSphere, etc.
in favor of an ebMS solution. I know that BEA provides some ebXML support as
an add-on product to WebLogic, but what news from IBM and Microsoft? Does
anyone expect that these vendors plan to provide full support for an ebXML

Based on current product offerings, I think it's fair to say that ebXML and
Web services require different infrastructures.

So I take it that you are requesting that the TN provide a little more
background information on what is meant by ebXML and Web services
infrastructure? That seems eminently reasonable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David RR Webber - XML ebusiness" <Gnosis_@compuserve.com>
To: "Anne Thomas Manes" <anne@manes.net>
Cc: "Chiusano Joseph" <chiusano_joseph@bah.com>;
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?

> Anne,
> Yes - but not to infer anything beyond that.    For instance its entirely
> possible to buy an ebMS solution from a vendor who has already
> incorporated WSDL/ simple SOAP support - so the one product
> can provide a combined delivery system.
> So now how does that sit with the statement that there is "significant
> overhead", clearly it does not.
> It would be acceptable to point out that ebXML requires support
> for ebMS and that more details on that are available at their site.
> DW.
> =========================================================
> Message text written by "Anne Thomas Manes"
> >You can register both SOAP/WSDL
> services and ebXML services in a UDDI registry. Of course you can say the
> same for an ebXML registry. But this is a UDDI TN, so it makes sense for
> this TN to explain how to use UDDI to support both environments.
> <

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