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Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo?
Paul: This lines and protocols for cumminication are getting blurry. I can definately bring this to the ebXML JCC and the WSAG and these groups have ties to their constituents. The community needs a good position paper to show how ebXML relates to WS* and that they do interoperate together very well. The paper should also describe how WS* and ebXML have positioned themselves as SOA's for certain requirements. Anne's recent email sums up the start of this fairly nicely (ebXML is a specialization of WS for eBusiness). It is important to remember how closely linked these two worlds are: 1. ebXML Registry uses WSDL + SOAP for access 2. ebXML MS is an extension of SOAP. 3. WSDL is unilateral Trading Partner Agreement (as is CPP), CPA is bilateral (neeed for eBusiness). 4. BPSS, BPEL, BPML, WSCI etc. - let's *really* think about what we're all trying to do here and make one spec that works really well with WS or ebXML components. 5. UN/CEFACT Business Collaboration Framework (UMM, UML) really a good idea for all. 6. ebXML TA v1.04 and WS Architecture are really smaller subsets of the UN/CEFACT eBusiness Archtiecture (Service Oriented Architecture that is abstract of an implementation scenario). 7. Event-driven, Service Oriented, Registry Centric for all... etc. Duane Nickull MACIAS, Paul wrote: >Duane, > >Sorry. Didn't know that. Probably should have gone to you back in April after trying the TCs directly. Out of curiosity and future reference, is there an official channel for routing things like this document, or should other OASIS TCs route things directly to the ebXML TCs? > >Thanks, > >Paul > >-----Original Message----- >From: Duane Nickull [mailto:duane@yellowdragonsoft.com] >Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:03 PM >To: MACIAS, Paul >Cc: Anne Thomas Manes; David RR Webber - XML ebusiness; Chiusano Joseph; >regrep@lists.oasis-open.org >Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components: Typo? > > > > >MACIAS, Paul wrote: > > > >>All, >> >>Just got caught up on this whole discussion this afternoon. To answer Joe's question, while there is no official liaison, I've been sitting in on both groups. >> >> >> > >>>> >I am the official liaison between the ebXML Join tCoordination Committe >and the Web Servies Architecture Group. > >Duane Nickull > > > -- *************************************************** Yellow Dragon Software - http://www.yellowdragonsoft.com Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads Project Team Lead - UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture Phone: +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time Direct: +1 (604) 726-3329
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