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Subject: Re: [regrep] UDDI as the registry for ebXML components

Registry TC,

I just received a request asking us to provide our change request to the
UDDI TC sooner than we originally intended. So if you do not think the
proposed change below is appropriate, please respond to our listserv by
3PM Eastern today. Barring no objections, I will create the change
request shortly thereafter.


Chiusano Joseph wrote:
> Registry TC,
> Here is the change request that I am recommending we send to the UDDI TC
> regarding the discussed paragraphs in the "UDDI as the registry for
> ebXML components" Technical Note. Please comment by COB today if you
> think that the changes are not appropriate. Please also keep in mind
> that this is their Technical Note (so my intent was not to tone down
> their descriptions of UDDI's capabilities), and we can take all the
> opportunities we would like to have ebXML Registry and Web Services
> shine within our own Technical Notes.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> <CurrentParagraphs>
> Multiple consortia have initiated pilot projects using the ebXML
> framework for business-to-business transactions, while corporations
> have also begun adopting ebXML technologies for internal
> use. At the same time Web service technologies, which have significant
> momentum due to unprecedented industry support, are also being
> rolled out. This introduces significant concerns of cost and
> manageability, because ebXML and Web services impose separate
> infrastructure requirements and platform components.
> As a universal technology for publication and discovery of service
> metadata, UDDI allows the bridging of the two infrastructures by
> accommodating metadata registrations for Web services as
> well as ebXML framework components, enabling interoperability among
> trading partners using ebXML or Web services. However, a prescribed
> methodology of modeling services and components which are conformant to
> ebXML specifications is required to make interoperable solutions
> possible.
> </CurrentParagraphs>
> <ProposedParagraphs>
> Multiple consortia have initiated pilot projects using the ebXML
> framework for business-to-business transactions, while corporations
> have also begun adopting ebXML technologies for internal use. At the
> same time Web service technologies, which have significant momentum
> due to unprecedented industry support, are also being rolled out. UDDI
> can play a major role in enabling trading partners and their Web
> services and ebXML infrastructures to interact using UDDI as a common
> registry. This is the focus of this Technical Note.
> In addition to being a universal technology for publication and
> discovery of service metadata, UDDI also enables discovery of ebXML
> framework components such as Collaboration Protocol Profile and Business
> Process Specification Schema. This capability can help enable
> interoperability among trading partners that use UDDI and ebXML
> framework components. However, a prescribed methodology of modeling
> services and components which are conformant to ebXML specifications is
> required to make interoperable solutions possible.
> </ProposedParagraphs>
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/regrep/members/leave_workgroup.php
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