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Subject: Meeting reminder and draft agenda for telecon on Thursday

This is a reminder of our ebXML Reg/Rep telecon tomorrow, Thursday July 10th at 1:30 pm Pacific Time.  This is our regular bi-weekly telecon, and is scheduled from 1:30-3:30.  Call in information is below: 

USA domestic toll free number: 1-866-235-8350
Pass code: 669014#
Here is the phone number for the operator if you have any problems:

1. Minute taker 
2. Approval of minutes from last meeting 
3. Status on specs action items
4. CRIM update (Joe)
5. Interoperability demos of OASIS approved specs at XML 2003
6. UDDI technical note update
7. Marketing and Awareness update (Carl)
8. Additional Technical Notes: Crosswalk; Discovering Web Services in an ebXML Registry; etc.
9. Other issues/items
10. Next meeting

Please let me know if you have additional items you would like to add to the agenda.  Talk to you tomorrow!


Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services

425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax

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