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Subject: Re: [regrep] [Q] SIP (Session Initiation Protocal) enabled ebXMLRegistries
Registry services are only offered via the RSS which describes a few bindings and service variants (nothing new to any of us). My understanding is that the SIP has two common interpratations - one is for session management and the other is a mechanism that can choose alternate protocols for registry communication/binding. ebXML RSS allows for other, non-mandatory protocols in addition to the existing RSS mandated essentials. It is conceivable that the US Governments' Section 508 may require a Registry software to implement VoiceXML over top of its core functionality of RSS protocols. We (Yellow Dragon Registry) have architected our registry to keep the interfaces separate from the core Registry in order to both facilitate future expansion of protocols or interfaces as well as to remove any dependency on current specifications from the core Registry Server. I would advocate however, that anyone wishing to implement such an interface, do so by keeping it totally on the Registry Client side. A Registry Client can be built that facilitates multiple user interfaces or perhaps even other programmatic interfaces, but uses the RSS as the core communication with the Registry server. Does this make sense? Farrukh? Duane Nickull -- Yellow Dragon Software Corp. - http://www.yellowdragonsoft.com Service Oriented Architectures - ebXML, Web Services, Registry, SOAP Project Team lead - United Nations CEFACT eBusiness Architecture +1 (604) 738-1051 *********************************** zack2003 wrote: > All, > > > > Has anyone ever talked about adding a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) > Interface to the ebXML registry? This may be a mechanism for creating > an ebXML Registry appliance and broaden the potential usage of the ebXML > Registry beyond the web services space. > > > > Zachary Alexander > > The IT Investment Architect > > ebTDesign LLC, (703) 283-4325 > > http://www.ebTDesign.com > > http://www.p2pspeaker.com > > http://www.p2peconomy.com > > >
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