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Subject: UDDI and ebXML Registry: Three-Tier Vision

As many know, I am in the process of proposing a pilot project within
the Federal CIO Council XML Web Services Working Group [1] for "Web
Services and Registries". This proposed pilot involves both UDDI and
ebXML registries, and interactions between them.

While preparing my 7/22/03 presentation, I created my "Three-Tier"
vision of co-existence and interaction between UDDI and ebXML
registries. My pilot proposal involves only Tier 3 (the lowest tier). I
anticipate that this will be the basis of an article that I will write
at some point in the future.

Attached please find a very rough description of my vision, which will
be described (in some level of detail) in my 7/22/03 presentation. I
still need to include figures, so please disregard the comments in []'s
which indicate this. I am purposely not giving away any details in this
e-mail - otherwise some folks would not read the attached document. :)

Comments are welcome and appreciated.


[1] http://web-services.gov

UDDI and ebXML Registry - Three-Tier Vision.doc

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