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Subject: Re: [regrep] [Fwd: [regrep-comment] Webswell Connect R/R 1.04]

Chiusano Joseph wrote:

>Since they are using ebxmlrr, that would put them at v2.1, right? (the
>announcement did not specify version)
Yes they are using ebxmlrr. That would put them on version 2.1 + many 
features from version 2.5 such as:

-User specified URLs

-Content cataloging

-HTTP interface

-2.5 canonical data

-XACML based access control

I am likely forgetting a few odds and end.


>Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>FYI... In case some folks are not subscribed to regrep-comment.
>>Congratulations to Ladislav and the Webswell team.
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Subject:        [regrep-comment] Webswell Connect R/R 1.04
>>Date:   Sat, 26 Jul 2003 16:58:09 +0200
>>From:   Ladislav Urban <Ladislav.Urban@webswell.com>
>>To:     regrep-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
>>I am glad to announce that the Webswell company launched a new
>>distribution of ebXML Registry/Repository - Webswell Connect R/R 1.04
>>The distribution contains ebXML Registry / Repository server and client,
>> database, tomcat and all software needed for installation, using and
>>development of ebXML R/R. All components are already configured and
>>ready to use. Webswell  Connect allows easy, interactive and user
>>friendly installation. It is entirely open source, free and available
>>for download at: http://www.webswell.com/products/download
>>ebXML Registry and Repository are key element of full ebXML integration
>> solution. They store, allow to find and process information about
>>companies  participating  in integration (or willing participate). The
>>information include  company profiles, technical descriptions of
>>services, business processes and  technical agreements between
>>integrated companies. Compared to UDDI  Registry  (focused primarily on
>>discovering of business ), ebXML Registry and Repository  includes
>>features necessary for collaboration of businesses.  Once the
>>businesses (e.g. Trading partners) are discovered, they can collaborate
>>in  business data exchanges in accordance with business process
>>descriptions and  scenarios stored in ebXML R/R.
>>Webswell Connect is based on well supported open standards
>>http://www.ebxml.org and uses the best open source implementation of
>>ebxml Registry / Repository
>>Webswell is integration company specialized on building ebXML
>>integration solutions at various levels (business integration, technical
>>integration) and related consultancy. More information you can find at
>>Ladislav Urban
>>CEO of Webswell
>>+420 603 540453
>>You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/regrep/members/leave_workgroup.php


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