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Subject: Re: [regrep] [Fwd: [xml-dev] Extract A Subset of a W3C XML Schema?]


I would believe the correct approach would be to do one of the follwoing:

1. Place only schema fragments into the registry in the first place. 
 This maximizes re-use of data elements amoung multiple schemas.  Each 
schema fragment is a separate registry object and can be individually 
retrieved, then aggregated outside of the registry into a schema.  This 
is the CC and BIE approach and I was about to put UBL into the Registry 
in this manner.  Each Daa Element is a registry obejct.

Problems occur with respect to cardinality rules and context.  Is 
"Address" the same within the context of a mapping source if it occurs 
within a heirarchic context of //PO/ShipperParty than when it occurs in 
//PO/BuyerParty? I think not..

2. Allow participants to retrieve the entire schema then work on it 
externally.  It is easy towrite code to do this outsideofthe registry.

I would be concerned about continually adding many new features. I would 
not want the registry to become a Swiss Army Knife for integration.  It 
has a scope in the architecture as a registry/repository to support 
other applications/processes.


Farrukh Najmi wrote:

> Chiusano Joseph wrote:
>> Forwarding from XML-DEV - the original question was:
>> <Quote>
>> I have been asked what tools can extract a part of a schema.  The
>> overall schema is large, complex, and imports five or six other schemas
>> into several target namespaces.  The individual involved wants to create
>> a smaller subset that contains everything that one project needs, for
>> the purposes of instruction and training.
>> </Quote>
>> Please see my response below, discussing what our Registry will be able
>> to do for him in the future.
> This is good Joe.
> I too have been thinking about this concept under the title of 
> supporting "Dynamic Content Assembly" of any type of content within 
> the registry with focus on XML content of course. David Webber and I 
> plan to speak on this concept today or tomorrow to discuss this in 
> context of his experience in OASIS CAM. This idea of server side 
> "Dynamic Content Assembly" is an essential feature for Enterprise 
> Content Management (ECM). I think it is much more interesting to 
> support this as a capability within the registry than as a feature 
> outside the registry within registry client.
> Maybe we can add this to next week agenda for discussion? Thanks.
>> Joe
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Re: [xml-dev] Extract A Subset of a W3C XML Schema?
>> From:
>> Joseph Chiusano <Chiusano_Joseph@bah.com>
>> Date:
>> Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:57:09 -0400
>> To:
>> "Thomas B. Passin" <tpassin@comcast.net>
>> Tom,
>> This won't help you in the immediate present (don't you like it when a
>> response starts like that?;) but:
>> In the future, my vision is that the OASIS/ebXML Registry will allow one
>> to do exactly this. The Registry architecture does not yet (explicitly)
>> allow for the registration of "fine-grained" XML artifacts such as
>> elements/attributes/datatypes/namespace identifiers, but I am working to
>> ensure that in the future it will (and am confident that we will reach
>> this goal within the next year).
>> So, referencing your example, my vision is that one would be able to
>> query the Registry for all elements/attributes/datatypes that belong to
>> targetNamespace XYZ, and select a subset of those elements to be
>> included in a new schema that is then assembled using that subset.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Joe Chiusano
>> Booz | Allen | Hamilton
>> Member, OASIS/ebXML Registry TC
>> "Thomas B. Passin" wrote:
>>> I have been asked what tools can extract a part of a schema.  The 
>>> overall
>>> schema is large, complex, and imports five or six other schemas into 
>>> several
>>> target namespaces.  The individual involved wants to create a 
>>> smaller subset
>>> that contains everything that one project needs, for the purposes of
>>> instruction and training.
>>> The problem is how to get all the necessary pieces so that nothing 
>>> is left
>>> out that is required for the schema to work.  XML Spy can be helpful 
>>> with
>>> its graphics, but there is no link from the graphics view to the 
>>> text view,
>>> so it is hard to find the pictured piece of the XML for copying.   
>>> You can
>>> do some degree of copying and pasting the graphics view blocks between
>>> schemas, but of course you have to keep track yourself of the bits 
>>> you have
>>> already transferred.  Also it is hard to be sure you have gotten 
>>> everything
>>> you need.
>>> Does anyone know of such a tool?  If not, any suggestions based on 
>>> actual
>>> experience in doing this kind of task?  It seems to me that finding 
>>> all the
>>> dependencies within the schema and its imports would be the hardest 
>>> part.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom P
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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Yellow Dragon Software - http://www.yellowdragonsoft.com
Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads
Project Team Lead - UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture
Phone:   +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time
Direct:  +1 (604) 726-3329 

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