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Subject: [Fwd: [xml-dev] Extract A Subset of a W3C XML Schema?]

FYI - another great response - "The point may be the registry..."


The point may be the registry.  The idea is noble and 
a workable way to reuse definitions at a global scale. 
It was tried in CALS too many moons ago.  The main 
problem is yet again political:  getting organizations
and individuals to buy into the registry, who owns it, 
how the submission and update processes work, and so 
precisely the same problem as having a consortium 
that creates standards and specifications.  The reason 
one usually finds tools for enterprises is that this 
is the scale where that concept typically works best, 
and sometimes in some organizations, it doesn't.

It's tough to tell designers that XML only really 
cares about well-formedness and then get them 
to buy into a system based on validity.  It's like  
giving them free popsicles without sticks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon St.Laurent [mailto:simonstl@simonstl.com]

prb@fivesight.com (Paul Brown) writes:
>I definitely agree with Joseph's vision of being able to assemble a
>schema from a registry of atoms.

Isn't this the core notion at the heart of RELAX NG?  Composability?
(And de-composability, if that's that right word.)

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