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Subject: Re: [regrep] [Fwd: [xml-dev] Extract A Subset of a W3C XML Schema?]

Too late.  There was a huge debate on this subject in the late 1990's 
about what an XML fragment is.  Becuase XML does not have any semantics 
associated with it, as long as it is either valid or well-formed, it is 
in indistinguish-able from another XML instance.  It is a shorter XML 
instance document.


Chiusano Joseph wrote:

>When designing a PDF/XML form, the designer would search the registry
>for various fragments
>Please define a "fragment" in terms of both XML and an electronic form.

Yellow Dragon Software - http://www.yellowdragonsoft.com
Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads
Project Team Lead - UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture
Phone:   +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time
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