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Subject: Re: [regrep] [Fwd: [xml-dev] Extract A Subset of a W3C XML Schema?]

It is a shorter XML instance document.

Uh...I think I already knew that. But thanks anyway. ;)

I should explain further why I posed that question specifically to
Peter: I was at the demo that he references, and (unless it happened
while I was on a sidebar with someone) I do not recall any aspect of
that demo covering anything less than a complete XML schema. So I
thought that perhaps he had a different interpretation of the term "XML
fragment" than the norm.


Duane Nickull wrote:
> Too late.  There was a huge debate on this subject in the late 1990's
> about what an XML fragment is.  Becuase XML does not have any semantics
> associated with it, as long as it is either valid or well-formed, it is
> in indistinguish-able from another XML instance.  It is a shorter XML
> instance document.
> Duane
> Chiusano Joseph wrote:
> ><Quote>
> >When designing a PDF/XML form, the designer would search the registry
> >for various fragments
> ></Quote>
> >
> >Please define a "fragment" in terms of both XML and an electronic form.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ***************************************************
> Yellow Dragon Software - http://www.yellowdragonsoft.com
> Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads
> Project Team Lead - UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture
> Phone:   +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time
> Direct:  +1 (604) 726-3329
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