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Subject: RE: [regrep] UK Govt regrep requirements

This will be on the agenda for our next telecon, and I am hoping that we will be able to answer many of your questions through our discussion at that time.  Without having you on the telecon, we couldn't really make any commitments or next step actions, since we needed your input.  Sounds like we should be able to work on that next time!  In the meantime, we can work on this via e-mail.  Comments anyone?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:paul.spencer@boynings.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:31 PM
To: Breininger, Kathryn R
Cc: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [regrep] UK Govt regrep requirements


Sorry I was in mid-air for the telecon. I will join in the next one.

Your discussion sounds great. I need to present a proposal to the MOD. This
will need to include what the MOD would get out of it (i.e. some
deliverables). This is not a big proposal - just a letter to justify their
interest to those who make the decisions.

Clearly any deliverables will include a paper on how an ebXML registry
addresses the MOD requirements. I think it should also include a description
of a pilot project. You say below that you "recommend" a pilot. What
commitment would this require, or do we decide this as part of the study?

And what about the content assembly aspects? Is this to be purely an ebXML
study, or can we combine with David Webber and his CAM team? In the real
world, I think this combination will be a classic case of the sum being
greater than the parts. I'm assuming David will read this.

Currently, this is a lot woollier than I like as the basis of a proposal. I
am well aware that, for most of the TC, this will be a useful study, while I
will be the only one committing to an outside body that we will produce some
deliverables. It would be great to define these deliverables and get
approval before the next telecon, but if not we can do it then and I will
get the approval after.

I really hope this is something we can all get something out of - a useful
case study and improved understanding of a real scenario for the TC, perhaps
some product ideas for the commercial members of the TC and a way forward
for the MOD and UK Government in general.


Paul Spencer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Breininger, Kathryn R [mailto:kathryn.r.breininger@boeing.com]
> Sent: 17 October 2003 00:11
> To: Paul Spencer
> Cc: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: RE: [regrep] UK Govt regrep requirements
> Paul,
> We discussed this briefly at the telecon meeting this afternoon.
> We are very interested in working with the UK MOD and
> understanding their requirements, and how an ebXML Registry can
> address those requirements.  We also recommend a pilot project to
> further develop a study.  We look forward to you joining us at
> the next telecon (October 30th) to discuss the next steps in more detail.
> Thanks, and congratulations on the warm reception for your paper!
> Kathryn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Spencer [mailto:paul.spencer@boynings.co.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 10:22 AM
> To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: RE: [regrep] UK Govt regrep requirements
> At the last telecon, we discussed using the UK MOD requirements
> as the basis
> of a study (possibly a model implementation?) on how the ebXML
> regrep could
> meet these needs. It would be great if the study could also involve CAM to
> assemble schemas from the repository.
> Since then, I have presented my paper at an eGovernment workshop (today),
> where it was well received. I have also been back to the MOD,
> which is keen
> to help a study, subject to some formal approvals. Assuming that all goes
> ahead, I could assist a study and make information (such as schemas and
> stylesheets) available.
> Unfortunately, I cannot join your next telecon, but I am very keen to
> progress this.
> Regards
> Paul Spencer
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