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Subject: Groups - ebXML Registry 3.0 Draft 01distribution (regrep-3.0-draft-01.zip) uploaded

Please send all comment to regrep@lists.oasis-open.org. Make sure that
comment includes a line number and a quoted string that editor can search
on within the source document.

 -- Mr Farrukh Najmi

The document named ebXML Registry 3.0 Draft 01 distribution
(regrep-3.0-draft-01.zip) has been submitted by Mr Farrukh Najmi to the
OASIS ebXML Registry TC document repository.

Document Description:
This zip file contains the artifacts for the ebXML Registry 3.0 Draft 01
distribution. The directories are as follows:

schema: Contains XML Schema (xsd) files
services: Contains WSDL files
specs: Contains RIM and RS 3.0 draft 01 specs
sql: Contains SQL schema

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-OASIS Open Administration

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