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Subject: FW: [chairs] April OASIS Symposium sessions for TC leaders: talking in public about your TC

More regarding the OASIS Symposium in New Orleans. Based on TC member
responses, I have reserved a room at the Symposium for our face-to-face
meeting.  We should also begin to think about 3-4 slides that will
provide an overview and update on the ebXML Registry TC work for the
OASIS TC Lightning Round Updates described below. I will be happy to
present unless someone else would like to, but would like input on the
material and what you think is most important to present given the limit
on slides.  This is also a good opportunity to identify other TCs we
would like to meet with, form liaisons, collaborations, etc.  Please let
me know which TCs you would like to meet with, and I will start the

Kathryn Breininger

425-965-0182 phone

-----Original Message-----
From: James Bryce Clark [mailto:jamie.clark@oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 2:53 PM
To: chairs@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [chairs] April OASIS Symposium sessions for TC leaders: talking
in public about your TC 

OASIS Committee Chairs:
     As you know, we're encouraging TCs to schedule F2F meetings in 
conjunction with the OASIS Symposium and Annual General Meeting in New 
Orleans, LA, US the week of 24 April 2005 
     We hope to see many of you there.  To make the event as productive
possible, we're planning several special events, including two that
to your TC leadership role and so worth a mention here:

>Effectively Leading an OASIS Committee
>[Wednesday evening]
>     OASIS staff will join new, existing, and prospective TC leaders to
> discuss issues surrounding the operational issues in running a TC, 
> including the TC Process, IPR Policy , Kavi, membership, interops, 
> publicity, spec testing, and more.  We plan some conversation about
> best practices for building consensus, promoting adoption, coping with

> legal realities, and taking advantage of Consortium resources.  All TC

> chairs, secretaries, and editors are strongly encouraged to attend
> session. Anyone with an interest in a leadership role in a new or 
> existing TC is also welcome.
>OASIS TC Lightning Round.
>[Tuesday late afternoon]
>     This year's Annual General Meeting for members will feature an
> overview *of* the TCs, *by* the TCs--lightning round updates on each 
> OASIS Committee.  It promises to be a great opportunity to educate 
> members on what your TC is accomplishing, find out the status of
> work, appeal for input, and identify areas for liaison and 
> development.  Each TC may (and should) designate one representative to

> deliver a short presentation on their work.  Presentations will be 
> compiled and posted on the OASIS site following the AGM.

Jamie's comments:
     For the Lightning Round, given >60 TCs, we are hoping for 3-4
or 2-3 minutes worth of compact status data and pointers per committee.
think it will be a great chance to cross-fertilize and learn.  Would
TC please identify someone to represent the TC at this session or, if 
that's not possible, provide material in advance.  We will talk about
TC briefly, in any case;  and of course we'd rather hear about it from
own members.
     For the TC Leadership session, we should have plenty to discuss, as

the imminent revisions to our TC Process and IPR Policy are rolled out, 
along with OASIS membership database upgrades and other feature 
improvements.  It's even possible that a few of our members will think
tough questions for us.  Live microphone.  Guaranteed non-boring.
     For both sessions, I hope you will be able to join us for an 
interesting discussion.  Please feel free to send us any suggestions for

specific issues you'd like us to address.

     I want to emphasize how important co-location and
is to our work.  Standards work is significantly improved by broad 
cross-fertilization.   Intellectual hybrid vigor consistently works
than a "bell-jar" project that keeps its heads down throughout its 
lifecycle.  Our co-location F2F experiments at OASIS are 
positive:  participants say they're energized and more likely to
contribute.  Some other standards groups do much more to cluster F2F 
activity.  Doing more with co-location at OASIS may be worth further 
     The OASIS Technical Advisory Board meets later this week in
AZ USA.  Once Mary and I return, we'll have more to report to this list,

about priorities, successes, failures and predictions for our standards 
development infrastructure at OASIS.

     Best regards  Jamie

~   James Bryce Clark
~   Director, Standards Development, OASIS
~   +1 978 667 5115 x 203 central office

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