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Subject: [RS Issue] 1.8.1 Registry Clients, line 520 needs clarification

Goran Zugic wrote:

> I told you that I will clarify my comment on "1.8.1 Registry Clients" 
> second paragraph line 520:
> "...
> A special type of Registry Client is a Web Browser that typically 
> accesses the registry using the HTTP 1.1 protocol. Note that it is 
> possible for a Web Browser to access a service that is a Registry 
> Client (not shown in figure) as is the case in a thin-client GUI.
> ..."
> What this paragraph says is that a Web Browser (that is a Registry 
> Client) can access another Registry Client (Line 521). To me it could 
> access Registry Server only. This sounds like we can have a case where 
> a Registry Client serves as a Registry Server or as an intermediate 
> point between the Web Browser and Registry Server. Is it possible?

What I had in mind was something that reflected the case (we have such a
case in freebXML Registry implementation) where a web browser is used to 
access a JSP/Servlet based web based User Interface (thin UI). The thin 
UI is the actual Registry Client and talks to the registry interfaces 
using SOAP over HTTP or HTTP/S.

Maybe in that case it is misleading to call the Web Browser a Registry 
Client? How should we capture the case I am trying to convey?


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