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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] Fwd: SIlly newbie questions

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 11:32:34 -0500
From: Joseph Reagle <reagle@w3.org>
Subject: SIlly newbie questions
To: relax-ng-comment@lists.oasis-open.org

Hello, I have some silly newbie questions about Relax NG -- I'm documenting
these for myself as much as asking the question. (Is this the appropriate
list, is there a relax-ng-dev forum?)

Given the incomplete rng below:

1. The *only* thing I've discovered that I don't like in rng so far is that
it is "vertically verbose."  Are there any conventions for trying to make
the presentation a bit more compact and vertically "striped". I can take in
a lot more information with my (admittedly more practiced) schema eye than
in a couple of pages of rng. I tried to do it in the EncryptedKey below,
but it's probably not a good idea and the word wrapping will make it a
confused mess in email.

2. In schema, I made most every structure a global type to aid in its
reuse. While I plan emulating the same for EncryptedType (as an abstract
type) in rng because the EncryptedData and EnryptedKey genuinely share a
lot of structure, I don't think all of those other intermediate types [1]
will be necessary in rng.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core/xenc-schema.xsd

3. Since so many of my elements and attributes are optional (and this leads
to the vertical verbosity) is there a means to say "all patterns in this
sequence are optional"? (I don't want to say the whole sequence is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0";
            <ref name="EncryptedData"/>
            <ref name="EncryptedKey"/>

    <define name="EncryptedData">
        <ref name="EncryptedType"/>

   <define name="EncryptedKey">
        <ref name="EncryptedType"/>
        <optional><ref name='xenc:ReferenceList' minOccurs='0'/></optional>
        <optional><element name='CarriedKeyName'><data
        <optional><attribute name='Recipient'> <data

    <define name="EncryptedType">
        <ref name="EncryptionMethod"/>
            <ref name="ds:KeyInfo"/>
            <ref name="CipherData"/>
            <ref name="EncryptionProperties"/>
            <ref name="EncryptionProperties"/>

            <attribute name="ID">
                <data type="ID"/>
            <attribute name="Type">
                <data type="anyURI"/>
           <attribute name="MimeType">
                <data type="string"/>
            <attribute name="Encoding">
                <data type="anyURI"/>


Joseph Reagle Jr.                 http://www.w3.org/People/Reagle/
W3C Policy Analyst                mailto:reagle@w3.org
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair   http://www.w3.org/Signature/
W3C XML Encryption Chair          http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2001/

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