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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] [ANN] xmloperator 2.0 supports RELAX NG


I am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of xmloperator,
the open source, Java written, XML editor [1].

This new release offers some support for RELAX NG, excluding formal

The tool contains its own (naive) implementation of RELAX NG. This includes:

- A full syntax to simple syntax translator
  (but externalRef and include elements are not yet supported).

- A simple syntax schema reader based on a read-only, DOM style, API [2]
  and its implementation based on SAX.

- A *superficial* mapper/validator for schema-guided editing.

By *superficial* element content, I mean that only the attributes and
immediate children
of the element are taken into account.

Of course, there is RNG documents for which superficial mapping/validation
doesn't work
but, in practice, the schema designer avoids such content models.

For example, the RELAX NG schema for RELAX NG [3] is superficial
mapping/validation tolerant.

[1] http://www.xmloperator.net/

[2] http://www.xmloperator.net/xmloperator_2_0_0_src.zip
    package org.xmloperator.framework.document.relaxng

[3] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/relax-ng/spec-20011203.html#IDA5MCS


Didier Demany

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